The birth

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A/N Hey people! Just a quick heads up about this chapter, It's a LONG one. It's just under 9,500 words and I can only apologise for that. However, I think this might be my favourite chapter that I have ever written. So even though it is long, I do hope you stick with it, because I believe that it's pretty damn good. Thank you all so much for reading, I have so much love for you all xx

29th May 2034

Yawning widely, Lily reached across to turn off the gentle screaming of her alarm. It was a Saturday, and the last thing she wanted to hear was the repetitive tone of a xylophone coming from her Iphone at 8:30 in the morning. Yet her mother's incessant lessons on the importance of waking up early had been embedded into her brain like a worm in soil.

Rubbing her eyes gently, the girl sat up in her bed, the crumpled covers sticking to her bare legs as the muggy morning air created a feeling of disgust which she just couldn't ignore. Gently clambering out of the covers, Lily drearily made her way out of her bedroom, and down the stairs in a slow, mundane manor that wouldn't have gone out of place in a film about the zombie apocalypse. Her dark hair was piled messily onto the top of her head, whilst a loose fitting t-shirt and pair of shorts hung off her body, enveloping her already petite frame. It wasn't exactly pretty, yet she was up none the less.

Walking in to the kitchen, Lily found herself startled by the uproar of noise the came from her left.


"AHH SHIT A BRICK!" The young girl responded as she clutched onto her chest, her heart beating a million miles an hour as she watched the smiling faces of her Mum, Dad and little brother, all of whom were laughing uncontrollably at her fearful outburst.

"Why would you do that to me?" She questioned breathlessly, still out of breath from her screech.

"Because it's your birthdaayy!" Alex responded, singing the sentence slightly as he did so, causing Lily to crack a smile at his apparent excitement. "And Daddy told me to do it because he thought you might still be sleepy."

"Well thanks Dad." The brunette responded sarcastically."I'm bloody awake now that's for sure."

Laughing gently, Joe walked over to his daughter, before quickly bringing her into a hug and pressing a soft kiss onto her forehead. "I'm sorry sweety, but It's always good to know another way to wake you up." He responded with a goofy grin plastered across his lips and a gentle shrug of his shoulders.

"You're an idiot." Lily retorted, through yet another muffled yawn.

"Yeah I know... But happy birthday sweety." Her father cooed softly as he brought his lips down to her level, kissing the top of her head once again.

"Thanks Dad." She whispered softly in return. Finally forgiving him for scaring her out of her wits, and accepting the hug he was giving her by wrapping her arms round his slim physique. until eventually he let go of her, and stepped aside, allowing Dianne and Alex to do the same.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Dianne asked excitedly as she began bouncing on her feet - her love for birthdays having never wavered even after 45 years.

Sipping from the hot mug of coffee which she had just made herself, Lily shrugged gently. "I mean, I'm sort of alright with a chill day at home. The weather's crap anyway..." She responded as she looked out of the large set of bay windows across the room from her, noting the way that large droplets of rain raced down the glass, and the dark clouds tumbled across the sky over the rolling green hills of the Surrey landscape. "And I was out with my friends yesterday, so I don't really mind."

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