The wedding (part 1)

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A/N Hey people! Sorry for the late upload. I was originally going to post this tomorrow but I had a spur of energy and seemed to find this chapter quite easy to write so did it all in one. It's not as long as the others, and probably not as good, but as you might be able to tell by the title, the one after this one will make up for it I promise. Either way, I hope you enjoy!xx

25th June 2034

"Okay, so now all you need to do is put the pointy end of the Phillips-head screwdriver into the groves of the nail and twist it." Joe responded as he held the hefty weight of the plank in the right place whilst Alex searched the floor for the item in question.

It had been a while since they had done something like this together, but for the past 3 hours Joe and Alex had been completely transfixed by the world of flat-pack furniture. The new shelving Unit which Dianne had wanted on the landing finally being built after the IKEA box had sat in the garage collecting dust for the past three months.

"Wait which one's that?" Alex questioned as he looked at the two tools in his hand. Fully aware that they were both screwdrivers, yet their differences throwing him off completely.

"I'll give you a hint. The one that we don't want is called a flat-head screwdriver - so try to figure out what that one is, then pick the other one." The father asked as he watched his little boy figure it out. His furrowed eyebrows and strewn lips showing Joe an exact replica of the confused facial expression that he used to exude when he did this sort of thing with his own father 35 years before.

Holding up one of the screwdrivers, Alex allowed a look of pride to cover his features as he was certain that he had figured it out. Inspecting the cross shape on the end of the tool, Joe allowed a matching smile full of pride to come across his features. "Good boy Alex, well done." Joe began, his heart melting at the way his son bounced slightly on his feet in excitement.

"Now, put the pointy end in the holes of where that screw is... yep like that... And then twist it round until you cant move it anymore... Remember, righty tighty, lefty loosey." Alex did as he was told, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth as he concentrated at the task at hand, before eventually looking to Joe with a smile on his face, signifying that he had finished.

"Well done buddy." Joe said in response, holding up his hand to Alex, who then quickly slapped it with his, as the boys celebrated their achievements for that day. "It looks good." Joe continued as he took a step back from the now finished unit. "All we need to do now is put those books, up onto the shelves."

"Then can we play football?"

Joe sighed softly. His back was aching and he was already shattered from having to build this damn thing for his wife. Yet a promise was a promise, and he found it incredibly hard to say no to his son in that moment. "Yeah, we can."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Joe watched as Alex began sprinting down the hallway, picking up the books and boxes which had to be placed on the new unit. Bit by bit, the stack becoming smaller and smaller, as the two of them worked efficiently, all with the premise of football being their, or rather Alex's, motivation.

"Daddy, I can't lift this one." Alex muttered as he tried his hardest to lift up a large, white box from the middle of the pile.

"Alright, I'll get this one."Joe muttered as he walked over to the pile, slightly confused as to what could have been heavy in the first place considering that the vast majority of things were no more than books neither of them had read, or the odd copy of Username: Evie. "What is this anyway?"

Shrugging gently, Alex fallowed as Joe picked up the box, walking it into his and Dianne's bedroom, before placing it on the clean floor. "I don't know, but it's... big." Alex responded as he laid down on the floor next to his dad who was now lifting the lid off the box.

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