The in-laws (part 2)

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A/N Hey people! So today I seemed to have some spare time, and an abundance of motivation. Managed to get this written sooner than expected, so thought I would post it straight away. Hope you enjoy! x

1st March 2034

"Alex, put that down please!" Joe shouted as he walked ahead down the long forest path. The brief panting of the dog down by his side and the soft sounds of nature whisking him away into a state of calm. Consequently leaving his son behind to play with a stick covered in mud.

"Why?" The six year old questioned - his voice a high pitched whine as he ran to catch up with his dad.

"Because its sharp and covered in dirt. I don't want you getting ill monkey."

Alex sighed softly. Knowing all to well that it was just better to nod along to whatever it was his dad was saying, than to question him further.

"Daddy, this is boring... I told you that there were no pirates around here." The little boy continued as he gestured to the mass of oak and pine trees surrounding them. The bitter chill of winter causing the usual green mass of the forest to become a murky brown colour.

"We haven't been looking long, I promise you we will find something." Joe whispered softly as his hand gently clasped his sons - the familiar feeling of his tiny fingers linking with his.

There was a brief silence between the two boys.

It was very rare that Alex and Joe got to spend some quality time together. So much of Joe's life was still evolving around his work. His fame and success as a young man bringing with it a few major challenges, most of which involved him continuing to remain in the public eye - rather than just becoming one of those washed up has-bins that you saw cropping up in new articles every once in a while. And although he had made the decision to stop posting videos on his YouTube channel after his daughter was born (simply to protect her and the rest of his family from the scrutiny of online living), Joe still had several plates within his life that he had to keep spinning. He had to deal with the ever growing complications of running Margravine. He still had some TV appearances. Was in the process of writing a book. And was the continuing ambassador for the organisations such as age UK and the princes trust, and many more that were close to his heart.

But keeping all those plates spinning meant that he didn't always have the time for moments like this. Where he could simply relax with his son. Talk to him about life and just have fun with him. Much like his own father, and his grandfather used to do with him.

"Daddy?" Alex questioned softly, his palm seeming to wiggle its way further into Joe's hand as the cold wind enveloped around them.

"Yeah?" Joe responded as he looked down at his son, who's big blue eyes was staring up at him with a look of confusion.

"How do you know Granny and Pop?"

"What do you mean, 'how do I know them' ?" Joe questioned, now seeming equally confused as his son.

"Well it's just that Mummy was talking to Granny... And I asked her when I can see her again because she never comes to England anymore. But if Granny and Pop never come to England, how did you meet them?"

Joe couldn't help but smile softly. Much like any six year old, Alex definitely had his crazy moments. His spelling wasn't fantastic, and neither was his maths. But Joe constantly found himself amazed at how naturally inquisitive his son was. When he was his age, Joe's biggest concern was which power ranger was the best, or whether he could beat the chicken in the neighbours garden to a staring contest. Not the formalities of his fathers relationship with his grandparents.

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