The Grandparents

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23rd April 2034

"GRANNY!" Lily yelled as she sprang through the open door to her grandmothers house, her arms instantly flying round the middle of elder woman's stomach.

"Lily, how are you my darling." She cooed as she bent down slightly to envelope her granddaughter in a hug. Her long, grey hair falling over her face as she did so.

"Good." The young girl responded as she held onto her tighter. 

"Well, I'm glad to hear it." She cooed as she placed a kiss on top of Lily's brown locks. "And Alex..." She continued as she released her granddaughter from her hug, only to envelope her grandson in one too. The strain in her back only increasing as she bent down more to meet the blue eyes of her six your old grandson. "My god, you've gotten so big monkey." She whispered softly, before pressing a kiss onto his cheek.

Giggling softly, Alex allowed a smile to form across his lips. The dimple in his right cheek deepening drastically as his grandmother began fussing over him.

"That's what Daddy said." The little boy responded as he took a glance back to his father who was stood behind him in the doorway.

"Well, he wasn't lying - I don't think I could lift you up anymore even if I tried." Giggling once again, the six year old began to squirm out of her touch, her fingers beginning to wipe away at a small mark on his right cheek. "How's the arm doing sweety?" She questioned, running her hand across the rough fabric of the plaster cast .

"It's fine. Mummy said that I might be able to play football in a few weeks." He responded with an excitable glint in his eyes.

"Well, it depends on what the doctor says Alex, we've been over this." Dianne said abruptly from behind him. The causation in which prompted Alex to roll his eyes in exaggeration. An act which did not go unnoticed by his grandmother.

"Hey I'm pretty sure that the Easter Bunny has left a couple of treats for you two in the kitchen." The elder woman responded happily as she looked lovingly at her two grandchildren - a wide smile instantly culminating on both their faces at the thought.

"THANKS GRANNY!" Both of them yelled before running off down the hallway, instantly entering some sort of race to make it to the kitchen first.

"Hey, that's cheating!" Alex yelled as he ran behind his big sister who had put an arm out to stop him running past her.

"CAREFUL OF HIS ARM!" Joe yelled, before sighing in defeat - knowing all to well that the promise of Easter treats would be jus tone of many things that would make his words useless to the two of them. "Oh god..." He muttered under his breath, running a hand through his hair.

"Long day?" The elder woman questioned as she looked across to the younger woman stood before her.

"No, not at all. It's just we learnt last year how much of an effect Easter day and the nice things that come with it, have on our two."

"Well, I just got them a small egg each - nothing extravagant I promise." She responded, hoping that the reassurance was enough to put the two of them at ease. "But anyway, come in - come in."

"Thank you, so much for having us Tracey." Dianne said with a smile as she embraced her mother-in-law into a hug.

"Not at all darling... Besides, I only really wanted to see the kids. You two could have stayed at home in all honesty." She retorted sarcastically, causing the three of them to laugh.

"Oh, thanks Mum." Joe said as he rolled his eyes in hysteria, much in the same way his son had done a few minutes ago. 

"I'm only joking Joseph, come here." Tracey responded as she wrapped her arms around her sons neck, bringing him into a welcoming hug, which transported Joe back to his time as a young boy. The same warming smile, soft hug and feeling if his mothers fingertips in his hair, which were always there to greet him at the gates after a long day of school.

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