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Yoo, so I was bored as hell after publishing the last chapter, so I decided, eeh, let's keep going and before I knew it I had the next three chapters XD Should I publish them or wait till next Monday? I don't mind, really!

"Waaaaah!!" Mitsuri cried, holding Ochako to her chest. "Do you have to leave? Do you really?"

"Not right now," Ochako wheezed out, her face still being pushed into the watermelon mounds that is Mitsuri's chest. "I have to wait until Aiden gets back, you know.."

Ochako stayed the night at Mitsuri's, unable to say no to the eccentric pink/green haired girl. Plus, when she agreed, she was so happy and excited, Ochako couldn't hurt the precious dango lover. 

"Really!?" Mitsuri squealed. "Yay!"

Ochako giggled, sweating a little. "Hey, uh, can you help me train? My flexibility? To help with my kicks?"

Mitsuri's eyes sparkled. "I thought you'd never ask!!"

"Okay," Mitsuri said, turning to Ochako. "You already can kill demons with your kicks, so that leads me to believe that you are already reasonably flexible. This small test will just be a run through of how flexible you are so I can get a rough idea of where to start your training."

Ochako nodded. "Okay. So, I guess I'm pretty flexible. Not as much as you, indefinitely. I can tell you're flexible in the way you walk. So, I guess, I can do the splits..."

"That's a great place to start!" Mitsuri clapped. "Sit, sit!"

Ochako sat in front of Mitsuri, who dropped right after her. "Okay, Ocha-chan, I'm going to need you to split."

Ochako did. Her legs were exactly parallel, and she didn't seem to be struggling. She wasn't either. "Okay, what next?"

Mitsuri beamed. "Perfect! Can you stretch forward?"

This went on, and Mitsuri deduced Ochako was really flexible. She didn't give herself enough credit, she was very flexible. Almost her level, and Mitsuri wasn't no slacker. She could easily lay on her stomach and bring her toes to her shoulders.

So for two days straight, Mitsuri and Ochako came up with kata's for Ochako to do every morning and every night, before and after she slept. After that, for one day, Mitsuri and Ochako sparred using only their legs. Mitsuri, during that time, noticed that Ochako's legs were very strong. So she came up with another four sets of kata's so Ochako can keep that leg strength. On the fourth day, Mitsuri and Ochako did stamina training.

When Ochako heard the word stamina, she groaned so loudly Mitsuri assumed her stamina was shit, but holy hell, Ochako could literally run for three hours straight, one hour without breaking a sweat.

On the fifth day, Ochako rested. She didn't rest from her kata's though, and diligently worked through them.

"Wow!" Mitsuri exclaimed at the end of the fourth day. "You're doing so well! What kind of training did you have before?"

Ochako paused in drinking her water. "Nothing much, just school sessions."

And lessons from Gunhead..

Mitsuri stopped, and turned to Ochako with wide eyes. "You went to school?"


"Only filthy rich people go to school!!" Mitsuri shrieked. "Ocha! Are you..??"

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