Chapter 1

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Okay sooo this is my first time doing this! So I am sorry if some things are not accurate. Hey what the heck? It's a fan fiction! It's supposed to be fake! Anyway I will be writing in the middle of Chester and Grace's relationship because it's the easiest! I don't know...

Grace's POV(point of view)

I woke up next to Chester as always. He made me so happy and made me feel special. I never thought anyone would make me feel this way.

"Ches", I whispered.

"Yeah", he said turning over to face me.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked

"Well I am off today for Rock of Ages so we can shoot a vid?"

"What video?" I asked.

"The whisper challenge?"


"Hey Grace", Chester said

"Yeah", I said

"Want to go out to dinner tonight? Maybe at a nice restaurant"


Little did I know that that dinner would change my life forever

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