XII. Blackout.

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RICK TOOK A DEEP BREATH as he reloaded his gun, they had no clue how many men were outside so it was to risky to run out shooting blind. All they could do was sit and wait for a way out.

"Hey!" He yelled to the men outside. "We all know this is not gonna end well! There's nothing in it for any of us!"

Glenn cluched his gun closer to his chest, which was moving up and down at a rapid pace. He was scared and all he wanted to do was get up and run. But he was smarter than that.

"You guys just back off, no one else gets hurt!" Rick continued on.

Before he could carry his speech any further bottles started to shatter from outside, followed by the sound of guns being clicked.

Glenn took the chance to stand up and  run towards the back of the bar, down the flight of stairs which led to a basement. He looked around cautiously, his breathing heavy as he held up his gun.

Spinning around at the sound of a gun clicking he saw a shadow standing in front of the door which led outside, the nob slowly starting to turn.

Without hesitation he shot out the window, notifying Rick and Hershel of his whereabouts.

"Glenn! Glenn!" Rick yelled as he started to make his way towards the younger guy in worry.

"I-im alright!" Glenn called back to him before running towards the door and taking his place beside it.

Taking a deep breath he cocked his gun and waited for their next move.


SHANE DROVE ABOUT ten minutes down the road before he came to the scene of the crash. His breath instantly catching in his throat as he realized the women that he loved could possibly be dead.

He parked the car before jumping out and making his way towards the crashed car. His gun held high as he inspected the two walkers that layed near the drivers side.

He walked closer to the car, standing right in front of the windshield. And that's when he noticed the body of Hope Smith laying dead in the passenger seat of the car. His eyes grew wide and his heartbeat sped up as he dropped his gun and ran over to her window sticking his arm through it and shaking the girl gently.

"Hope!" He whisper yelled as he continued to shake her.

He received no response.

"Hope! Listen you gotta wake up ok? I promised your kids I'd bring you back to them and I don't intend on breaking it." He tried again get still got no response.

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