XIII. That Bitch.

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That Bitch.


"FUCK,LORI YOU CAN'T DRIVE WORTH A SHIT" Hope Smith grumbled as she reached up to rub the top of her head. She winced and pulled her hand back only to open her eyes and see her once clean hands covered in dry blood.

She has never felt so much pain, other than giving birth, in her life. Her head was pounding and it hurt to breathe. Everything hurt.

"I stand corrected, you know if were on the real world i'd either beat your ass or sue you. Problay the first one." She spoke alound as she examined her wounds.

After not receiving a response from Lori she glanced over to the drivers seat. The seat that once held the annoying Grimes women was now empty. Hope panicked a bit when she saw the dead walker halfway through the winseild. What if it got to Lori before she could? That would be a bummer.

"Lori" She called out as she slowly started to make her way out of the car, pain coursing through her body at every move.

"Fuck." She hissed as she hit her leg, which looked to be cut open, on the seal of the door.

After she had made her way to the ground she glanced up just in time to see the tail lights of a car driving away.

"Hey!" She yelled out as she tried to limp towards the car. She knew there was no use, it was already to far away. But it wouldn't hurt to try.

"Help!" She yelled out again as she started to slow down her pace.

As the car lights finally distappered she huffed and looked behind her only to see the bodies of dead walkers all around the car.

Lori had obviously gotten out.

And left her there.

"Fucking bitch left me hear." She growled out as she started to look around for something to use as a weapon. It was dark out and she knew it wouldn't be long before a walker stumbled her way.

She picked up a sharp peice of glass and started to limp down the road.

After she was about five minutes down the road she saw some sort of shop in the distance and decided to check it out, maybe they had a better weapon.

"Country roads take me homeeee" she sung quietly to herself as she made her way towards the store. She felt like she was going to pass out any second, but she wanted to get home to her kids. To Carl. To her family. To him.

Hope hit her fist against the glass loudly once she finally reached the door. After hearing no noises from inside she slowly pushed it open and walked into the shop which appeared to be a Good Will.

After searching around for a few minutes she discovered nothing she could use for a weapon other than a frying pan and a wooden spoon.

"Frying pan it Is." She muttered as she picked it up. She considered looking around for other things to bring back to the farm but soon decided that she wasn't in the condition to be carrying back tons of things. She decided to tell Rick about the shop and they would rade it later. She did however grab a baseball card she had seen for Ryder. The boy loved those things. She also got one for Carl despite not knowing if  we was interested in Baseball. But it was the thought that counts. And a small My Little Pony for Skylin. Then three lollipops. In this new world kids didn't get to be kids and Hope despised that. She wanted nothing more than for her kids, and every other kid, to get the chance to live a normal life. To go to prom and to get married and just to simply have fun. Ryder would never have another baseball game. Carl would never ride around with his dad in the patrol car again, which he once told Hope was his favorite thing to do. And Hope would never be able to put the number five candle on Skylins next birthday cake. All these things may seam like no big to everyone else, but to Hope these things were huge. They were a part of childhood. Baseball Games, family time, birthday party's. They were all something she had wished she would have been able to experience as a child. They were something she promised herself the day Ryder was born her kids would have. And now that the world was over she wouldn't be able to give that to them. And that killed her. Carl, Ryder, Skylin, and that unborn baby in Loris belly deserved the world in her opinion. They deserved normal lives, something they would never have. But she did know that she would do everything in her power to make sure they stayed safe.

The sun started to rise as she got closer to the farm and before she knew it she was walking into Hershels home. No one was outside which she found odd.

She was glad she was finally home considering she knew it wouldn't be long before she passed out.

After seeing no one in the kitchen she started to make her way towards the living room only to stop when she heard a voice.

A voice she was one hundred percent sick of hearing.

"What are you gonna do?" Liam yelled out. Hope could see him standing in the doorway turned towards the living room. There was no way he would be able to see her. She slowely started to creep up behind him holding the pan up high. Not only was his yelling making her headache ten times worse but she also wanted revenge from when he had hit her earlier.

"Shoot me? Stab me? Hit me with a-" he went on but before he could finish she swung the pan towards the back of his head causing him to fall on the floor passed out.

She stepped around the corner so the people who were sitting in the living room could see her.

She looked up from the body of her ex husband and into the eyes of the people she now considered family.

"That was a bit overdue" she smirked.

And with that she felt her body start to give out. With her eyes rolling back into her head her body hit the ground with a loud thump.

And then everything went black.

I know it wasn't that long but bare with me here lol. I have to figure out how to change up the story line a bit so it won't be long until things start to change.

Do you guys like Hope?
Y'all are gonna love the cute ass Carl and Hope moment coming up.
Gotta put in some Rick and Ryder bonding to because there isn't alot of that. Maybe some Skylin and Daryl?

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I've decided to do a face reveal at either 2k reads or 200 likes. Whichever one we hit first.


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