Twenty Four

368 13 9

Kenzie's POV

It had been two weeks since I released my song 'What If I Told You I Love You', and since then, it had gotten over 10 million streams. Wow, I didn't even realize how supportive my fans were until now. Even Lauren and... Johnny... were extremely supportive about. Maybe he didn't know it was about him. And that was good. I didn't want him to know, because then I'd feel really bad, and he doesn't get to make me feel bad. Not after what he did to me. He made me think he wasn't like the others, and to be honest, he wasn't. He was worse. At least the others didn't make me think that, and then hurt me harder than Isaak could've. But what I couldn't understand was, after all that, I still loved Johnny...

It really annoyed me though. I didn't feel that with any of the others, and they didn't hurt me nearly as much. But didn't that mean I had the most meaningful relationship with Johnny? That can't be true... can it? It wasn't even an official relationship, yet I still miss him the most. Why, Johnny, why? Why did you have to do this to me? Why can't you just be mine?

Yeah, I missed him, and I still loved him... but I didn't like him right now. He kissed her, and I was right there to watch it all. The most amazing person, or so I thought, kissing that bitch. He did all that, and for all I knew, he could've known I was standing there. Maybe that was his purpose. Maybe Nadia was right. Maybe he just wanted to get rid of me...

I heard the doorbell ring, interrupting my train of thoughts. I reluctantly got out of bed, knowing my parents and Maddie weren't home, and walked to the door. I opened it, before being engulfed in a huge hug.

"Lauren?" I heard myself say, partially not believing it myself.

"In the flesh," she laughed.

"But, w-what are you doing here?" I laughed. I was feeling mixed emotions. Yeah, I was happy, because my best friend was here... but didn't that mean John was here too.

"Well, you kinda left without saying bye, so I thought, why not just come to you!" When she noticed my mood, her smile disappeared. "Aren't you happy?"

"What? Oh, yeah, yeah, of course, Lolo. But... is John here too?" I whispered the last part, looking down.

"Um, yeah, Kenz. I couldn't just leave him at home alone. He's just parking the car."

I looked over her shoulder to see the boy I had both missed so much it hurt, but also really hated right now, in his car.

"But, Lauren, I can't see him right now. I just can't. It'll hurt too much. He hurt me, Lauren. The boy I loved with all my heart hurt me." I could feel tears stinging the corners of my eyes just at the thought.

"I understand, Kenzie. You know, I don't actually really know what happened... could you maybe fill me in?" she asked nervously.

"Oh, yeah, of course. Come upstairs." I pulled her into the house, catching one last glance of the emerald eyed boy on my driveway, before dragging Lauren up to my room.

Lauren's POV

I followed Kenz through her house, to her room. It was way bigger and nicer than our little house in the countryside, but I guess that's what you get when you're a celebrity. She sat on her bed, and patted the area next to her, gesturing for me to come sit next to her.

"So, how much do you know?" she asked, once I sat down.

"Um, not much. Just tell me everything, I only know the main parts."

"Oh, ok. Um, well, you know that Nadia came. And then, I don't know, I kinda got mad at Johnny, because she told me stuff. Like, that John texted her and said he missed her, and still loved her. So yeah, we kinda fell off. And then, he let her stay at the house, and, like, you can probably imagine how I felt about that. And I honestly don't get how Johnny had the guts to do it. I mean, she cheated on her... Yeah, so, that happened."

"And then, like a week after she came, I went to get a glass of water, and Johnny and Nadia were there talking or whatever, and he invited me to go to the movies with them. I mean, it was sweet of him, and i would've loved to go with him, but not with Nadia. I didn't want to watch them be all close and shit, so I said no. Then he said he really wanted me to come, and that we hadn't talked in ages. I said no again, and said we could talk later."

"Then I went up, and he went to his room. A few minutes later, I felt really bad for turning him down that harshly, when all he wanted to do was hang and talk, so I went to his room to apologize, and then I saw..." She gulped. "Um, I saw him... Lauren, he was fucking kissing Nadia! You have no idea how much it hurt. I loved him, so much, and he just didn't love me back. So I ran, and he stopped me and said stuff about how he didn't do it knowingly or whatever, but I didn't want to hear it. So I left. And I'm sorry for not saying bye to you, but I couldn't stay there knowing he was there too."

I nodded my head understandingly, before giving her a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Kenzie. I can't even imagine how you feel."

"Thank you, Lauren. I really needed someone to tell that all too."

"No problem." I smiled, but something wasn't right to me.

Sure, I didn't know everything about what happened, and I didn't know John's side of the story, but I did know something Kenzie didn't. And that was how Johnny was acting after Kenzie left. It was crazy, something I had never seen before with him. He cried. He cried his eyes out. Every single night, I would hear him crying, and singing sad songs. It broke my heart to see John like that. He was an amazing brother, and it killed me that I couldn't help him. 

For a while, he didn't even get out of his room. He didn't eat, or drink, or even shower. It was crazy, especially for him. He'd never, and I mean never, done that over a girl. I think maybe John did love Kenzie. It still didn't change the fact that what he did was wrong, and broke Kenzie's heart, but I could tell he loved her.

A lot.

(A/N) Ahhhh, I stan Lolo! She's such a qween, like, honestly. So, yeah, John and Lolo are staying with Kenzie now, so what do you think will happen? Please tell me! I don't get why people read and dont comment or anything, and it really puts me down... So please vote and comment! I love you all! 

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