(8) Bahamas

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The following weekend they all took off for Bahamas. Camilla's parents owned a private island called Middle Cay. The house has two houses. A main house and a cottage.

When they got to the island Bucky leaned over to Nova. "Follow me..I got our room picked out." He said as he took their bags.

She followed him up the hill to the cottage that they would be sharing with Colton and Gabi. He opened the door to the bedroom to reveal the two beds.

She sat down on the bed she wanted. He sat her bag down at her feet. "Camilla said dinner is happening down at the main house cause it has the bigger table. So shower and change Nova." He said

She rolled her eyes silently and got clothes out of her bag. Bucky met Colton in the kitchen.

"She still isn't liking the no cuddling rule isn't she?" Colton said as he hands him a beer.

"Yeah she won't even stay at my house. Like at all she goes home." Bucky said as he opened his beer.

"Well atleast you getting her to hate you like you wanted." Colton said

Nova came out with her hair in a side braid and a black mid dress with her black converse shoes. "Im ready.." she said

He pushed her back into the bedroom. She bit her lip then she felt his hands over her bracelets.

"Here..we are at the beach. You dont need these on.." he said

"No..these stay." She said

"Nova..come on. You are going to have tan lines." He said

"They stay." She said then she walked out.

Bucky stood there as he swallowed hard. She made her way back to the main house where Lindsey handed her a margarita.

"Thanks.." she said as she took the glass and joined the others on the deck.

She lit up a cigarette when she felt Bucky wrap his arms around her.

"Im sorry." He said in her ear.

She looked down she made a promise to herself. She wasn't going go let him in if she felt she couldn't trust him.

The rest of the night went off with out a hitch. They ate some tacos and burritos for dinner. Once they all went to bed Bucky and Nova had sex in his bed.

They did it three times before they went to bed. When they were done she got in her bed and put her back to him.

He looked over at her then looked away as he slowly fell asleep. The next morning he woke her up.

The second day was spent in the ocean. Snorkeling boat riding and wine coolers and beers. Bucky was all over Nova all day long he packed on the PDA.

That night they had sex all night long. He couldn't get enough of her condoms were all over the floor the next morning. Colton walked in to find them in the floor as well.

"Barnes.." Colton said

Bucky jumped awake they weren't cuddling they both had their backs to each other. "Dude what the hell happened in here last night?" Colton said

Nova rolled on to her back. Bucky smirked when he saw her chest and neck covered in bite marks.

"Fucking Patron..and hot sex." Bucky whispered as he rubbed his temples.

Colton shook his head as he shut the door. Bucky kissed her she moaned as she kissed back.

"Morning." She whispered as she started to wake up.

He smiled at her. "Morning.." he said as they began to make out.

He reached under his bed for the box of condoms and they had a morning session.

As the trip wore on Bucky allowed her to sleep next to him as long as she didn't cuddle him. They also took showers together.

It was finally the morning they were leaving to go back home. They finished up some morning sex then he got off her.

"Im gonna take a quick shower." He said

"Can I.." she said but he cut her off.

"Nova..I broke rules for the vacation but now its back to reality. The rules stand as of today. You can wait till Im done.." he said as he shut the bathroom door.

She looked down she began to get dressed and pack her stuff. When she walked out she saw Colton and Gabi.

"If he asks. Tell him I went to the main house." She said and left.

When she got to the main house Natasha let her use her bathroom. Bucky got out of his shower ten minutes later.

"Okay now you can use...the..shower." Bucky said but realized he was talking to himself.

Once he was dressed and packed. He walked out of their room.

"Have you seen?" He said but Colton cut him off.

"She left about twenty minutes ago dude. She seemed really upset." Colton said as they all started to walk out.

When he got to the main house he seen her with wet hair sitting on the docks. Mason walked over to him.

"Dude its working. She was super pissed when she came in." Mason said

"I got that." He said as he walked away.

He sat beside and took the joint she had. "Nova..I broke them here cause I didnt want to argue. So please dont start now.." he said as he took a hit.

"Yeah sure.." she said as she got up and walked away.

They all got on the boats that took them back to the main island to head to the airport.

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