(25) A New Chapter

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-2 years later-

"I have a surprise for you darlin. After class is over go home and get all dolled up." -Bucky

":) I love when you surprise me! See you after class." -Nova

Bucky smiled at his phone as he was walking to his class with Colton. "What is that smile about?" Sam said when they walked up to him.

"I got a surprise for my girl tonight." He said

"What is this surprise that we have all been hearing about?" Colton said

"You'll see soon enough." Bucky said as he went into the Economics building.

It had been two years since that fateful night. They were now in their sophomore year of college living in a apartment close to University of Georgia. And they were even more in love with each other.

That night when he got home from class she was finishing up her make up. "Hey beautiful. Let me take a quick shower then we will go get dinner then off to your surprise." He said as he pulled off his shirt.

She smiled at him. "What?' He said

She ran her hand over his scar. "Just thinking how its been two years." She said

He kissed her. "What did the therapist tell you." He said

"To stop dwelling..on the past." She said

"Exactly. When you see yours or mine we just let the thought go." He said as he got in the shower.

After dinner at Red Lobster he tied a blind fold on her. They left Athens and headed to Clearwater. Bucky turned down the road to the Montgomery House.

He smiled when he saw the house. A year ago he had the whole thing tore down. Gabi's dad and him made out a blue print of what he wanted for the new house.

He helped her out of the car and untied the blind fold. "Surprise #1.." he said

She gasped "James.." she said as her hands went over her mouth.

"We are on your land baby. I had the whole damn thing tore down. This is our place I hope you like it baby." He said as they went inside

She looked around as she wiped tears. She fell in love with everything the house had. When they were standing on the front porch.

He wiped her tears. "I love you baby. I can't imagine a life without you in it. And I have come pretty damn close to it twice now. I want us to build our life here in this house. I want to have you by my side for the rest of my life. You saved me you give me everything I could ask for in a partner. And I want to make you a Barnes. So will you marry me?" He said as he dropped to one knee and opened her ring box.

"Oh my..yes..yes a thousand times yes!." She said as he slid the ring on her finger.

She kissed him when he stood up. "I have a surprise for you.." she said with tears too.

"What?" He said

"Well I hope you react better this time. Im pregnant..due in March." She said

He had tears fall. "Oh god. Our rainbow baby is finally happening..its a good thing we had this house built." He said as he sniffled.

"Yeah.." she said with a laugh through tears.

"Our new chapter.." he said

"A new chapter." She said as he kissed her.

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