(16) The Romanoffs Step In

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A week later everyone was at Buffalo Wild Wings. Nova was suppose to be there but she was laying at her old house.

Bucky looked around their booth.

"Nat where is Nova?" He said

"I don't know she told us she would be here." Nat said as she got her phone out.

"Hey where are you? We are all here at Bdubs."

"Sorry I changed my mind."

"She apparently changed her mind. She isn't coming." Nat said

Wanda shook her head. "Im starting to worry. She wants to be alone all the time." Wanda said

"Its gotta be hard losing her whole family. According to dad it happened here in Clearwater." Yelena said

"What?" Bucky said

"Yeah. He didn't go into much detail just that it happened here." Natasha said

"Maybe we can go to her." Leila said

"Yeah." Gabi said

"Me and Nat will go see if she is home. We all don't need to be on that side of town." Bucky said

"Sounds good." Colton said

They all finished up the dinner then headed to the parking lot. Bucky and Nat got in his truck.

"The rest of you wait here." Bucky said

Bucky drove to the other side of town. He kept his hand gun in his glove box. They pulled into the trailer park that was just past the rail road tracks.

"There it is Buck. The mail box says Cornwell." Nat said

Bucky pulled into the drive way. "I don't see her car." He said as he turned off his truck.

They walked up to the door. Tucker opened the door "Natasha..James." Tucker said

"We are looking for Nova." Bucky said

"She hasn't been home for three hours. She said she wanted to be alone." Tucker said

"Do you know where that is?" Natasha said

"No..she keeps to herself." Marianne said behind him.

"Thanks." Bucky and Nat said in unison.

They got back in his truck. "Cemetery?" Nat said

"It's worth a shot." Bucky said

They headed to the Clearwater Cemetery. Their friends followed them. "Montgomery..there Buck." Nat said

They all parked and walked over to the grave stones.

"She has been here.." Lydia said when they saw the flowers.

"Josie Ann Montgomery,Xavier Montgomery. These are her parents they were only 21." Yelena said

"Damn.." Sam said

"Tillie and Harold Montgomery. Her grandparents." Bucky said

"Bless her heart." Gabi said

Natasha got her phone out to call Ivan.

"Dad?" Natasha said once he answered

"Hey princess." Ivan said through the speaker phone.

"Do you happen to know of any places that Nova may hide at? She isnt home and we are at the cemetery and its a no go here." Yelena said

"No..wait. Let me call you back baby I may have an idea." Ivan said and hung up.

He sent a text to James,Jasper and Eric.

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