Part 1

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POV: Bill Denbrough

I would be lying if I said I'm not excited to find out my soulmate. Maybe, they will be someone from the Losers club but I doubt it.

"Bill!" Someone yells it turns out to be Stan. He bikes beside me.

"Did you hear about Eddie and Richie?" I ask Stan, he doesn't answer right away. Even though Stan is the quietest of the Losers, I'm the closest to him.

"Yeah, they are complete opposites I can tell they really love each other," Stan states.

"Billy Boy, Stan the Man!" Richie yells as we lock our bikes up.

"How's Eddie?" I tease, I watch as Richie starts to blush.

"He's good, cute as ever," Richie answers, Stan smiles.

That was cute. Wait, no you don't like Stan.

"Eddie's birthday is soon. Do you think you're his soulmate?" Stan asks. Richie shrugs and goes off to find Eddie.

"You ready to go Stan?" I ask, he nods, locking his locker. We walk in silence to our homeroom, the rest of the Losers' are there.

*12 hours later**

"Stan, you ready to go?" I ask Stan, we're having our annual Friday sleepover today.

"Yeah, lemme just lock the door," Stan whispers.

When Stan locks the door, we go to my house. Georgie runs into Stan's arms, Georgie loves Stan.

So do you.


"Let's go upstairs, I forgot to set up the air mattress, I'm sorry," I apologize.

"It's okay," Stan whispers.

Stan and I are in my room just playing Life.

"Why are you so quiet now? You used to be so outgoing, I miss it," I ask.

"I have a secret," Stan whispers.

"What is it? You can tell me, I promise I won't tell," I insist.

"I think I'm gay."

First chapter! I'm sorry this sucks a lot, I promise it will get interesting once the story gets going.

Soulmate - StenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now