Part 27

594 26 3

pov: stanley uris
*july 13th*
it's my sixteenth! i can see my soulmate!
i open my eyes, i realize bill isn't next to me, so i start to worry. i sit up in bed, going through my snap stories. all of a sudden, my door opens, Bill and my parents walk in, singing happy birthday. i blow out my candle, wishing that bill and i stay together.
"we will go so you and bill can be alone, we do have gifts for you!" my mom exclaims. bill sets my food down, he kisses me softly. it's one of my favorite things he does.
"do you want to eat first or see your soulmate?" bill asks, i know it's him. if it's not, then we have problems. i pull up my sleeve, william z. denbrough is itched in my skin. i watch as bill tests up, i kiss him, wiping his tears.
"i knew it was you," i whisper.
"i love you," bill states.
"i love you too."
i start to eat my breakfast as bill hands me his gift.
"i helped your parents buy your main gift, but i wanted to get you something from just me," bill explains. he hands me a string, i'm confused.
"pull the string out," bill tells me. i listen to him, a myriad of pictures of bill and i are on the string.
"can you help me hang it up?" i ask.
"i'll do it. where do you want it?" bill insists.
"all across the top of my room. thanks, bubba," i tell bill. he basically does what i say, all of a sudden, i'm picked up from my bed and brought downstairs.
"wait here," bill scolds.
i wanted for five, 10 minutes, until i'm blindfolded and bill ushers me outside. my blindfold is removed from my eyes. a 2019 white jeep is in my driveway, my dream car.

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