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Fourteen years ago, profiler Malcolm Bright and detective Dani Powell figured out there feeling for each other, and decided to get together and get married. Everyone was exited when they made that decided. Even Martin Whitley aka the surgeon was pleased with the decision. Their wedding was their second most beautiful day in their whole lives. Everyone expect Martin was there, but he was watching the wedding from his tv from his cell in prison. Jessica and Ainsley Whitley were go happy that Malcolm has found someone who loves him and really understand what he has been though in his life. Malcolm has complex PTSD caused from trauma in his childhood. He gets these night terrors when he is asleep, but Dani was the only one who helped him get through them. A few days after the wedding, Malcolm and Dani found a new house to move into. Dani get like the apartment Malcolm lived in, but truth be told. They needed their privacy from mainly Jessica. That's why they aren't giving a key or showing Jessica where they are moving too on Malcolm's behalf. After moving, Dani got pregnant with very special twin girls. Their names are Dylan and Kylie Bright.
Now you are probably asking yourselves, how could I possibly know all of this information? You might think that this narrator has a personal connection to this story. I would say that you are on the right track. Then you will think that this person must be related to Malcolm in someway. Again you are right, but that depends on how you are thinking I'm related to the Brights. I would also tell you to pay attention to the title of this story. So I'm just going to tell you, I am Dylan Bright. Yes, I am one of the Bright twins. Me and my sister have been taken cared of really good over the years of our lives. Kylie has inherited our mom's great detective skills while I inherited my father's amazing profiling skills. Until we were eleven, mom and dad took us to the Whitley residence to be babysitted by Jessica, our grandmother, while they go to work on cases for the NYPD. One day when I'm hopefully older, I always wished to become an excellent profiler like my dad. What I didn't know is, that one day soon. my wish was going to come true, but not in a way I ever expected.

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