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Hey readers. I know that it is stressful to be staying home worried about this virus going around. Believe me when I say that I'm kind of worried about this outbreak. So until everything is cleared up, I want all of you to find something to occupy your time while staying safe at home. I don't care what you all do to pass the time. I just want you all to be safe and sound.
Here are some subjections that you all can do occupy yourselves. Watch tv or any internet streaming apps like Netflix. Read a book you find in your houses, or read an ebook on your phones or tablets. Play a board game with your family. Most important. Clean any object you touch and keep washing your hands.
That is all I have to say for now. Now, I'm going to work on new chapters for any of my Wattpad stories while catching up on tv shows I'm behind on. Until the next time my friendly and hopefully healthy readers.

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