Chapter 15

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"Ok, I have a secret house in Columbus to run any of my secret operations just in case I get caught by the police." John said to Kylie and McGee in a serious tone. "What operation are you running this time John?" Kylie asked sounding a little curious. "I'm afraid that I can't tell you that mini detective. That is for you and McGee to find out on your own." He replied as he turned on the exit for Columbus, Ohio. "Hey Kylie, can I ask you something?" McGee asked with a polite tone. "Sure McGee. What do you want to ask me?"she replied back to him. "Why does John call you mini detective?" McGee asked finally having the nerves to learn the answer. "Oh, McGee. John isn't the only one who calls me that. It's a nickname that my parents created for me. The nickname is based on one of my brilliant skill set. My twin sister has a brilliant skill set, but her skill set is a little bit different than mine." She replied to McGee's question. "Wait! You're a twin." McGee said sounding surprised. "Yes McGee. I am a twin." She replied in a sarcastic way. "Well, you two can finish your little conversation later cause we are at our final destination." John said as he turn into a drive way that lead to a warehouse right next to a junkyard. "Are you Going back to your old ways John?" Kylie asked sounding a little sacred. "Don't worried Kylie. You and McGee aren't the ones being killed. All you two are going to do is watch while being tied down to chairs." John replied as the car came to a final stop, and everyone got out of the car and when into the building. Once inside the warehouse, John sat McGee and Kylie down in separate chairs facing an one way vision window towards the junkyard. He tied them up and told them to enjoy the show once it gets started.

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