Chapter 9

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After Gil left, everyone in the conference room was confused. I mean why are seeing NCIS in Virginia. What does NCIS have to with the junkyard killer? Eventually, everyone ended up following Gil outside to the cars to drive up to the airport to head to Virginia. I ended up riding with my parents and Reid while JT and Gil rode separate. Once we got to the airport, everyone got out of the cars and got on a private jet. I was excited to be on a private jet, but I was also nervous because it's my first time out of New York and on any kind of plane. I wanted to ask why can't we just drive to Virginia, but I decided not to ask. It's kind of obvious. Traveling by plane to get somewhere is faster than by car. So if I even ask that question, I would just sound stupid to everyone around me.
As everyone was finally on the jet, we took off. Gil was waiting for the jet to get steady before briefing everyone on why were heading to Virginia. "I guess I owe you all an explanation to why were going to Virginia." He said getting everyone's attention. "Yeah, we all think you do Gil." Mom said with some seriousness in her voice. "Hours earlier today, a NCIS agent approached a house that apparently belongs to John Watkins without backup. Now, that agent is missing and hasn't been heard from ever since. When the rest of NCIS got to the house, they found out that John wasn't living alone. There was a second bedroom in the house. The bedroom had restraints attached to the floor of the room." Gil said as I looked at my dad to see that he might want to cry. "So your saying that the other person could possibly be my sister?" I asked wanting to cry like dad. "It's possible, but no one is really sure if it is yet." Gil replied as the jet was coming to a landing.

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