Chapter 12

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Everyone was in the office when Gibbs got the call from the police in Kentucky. He gave us all a look that can only mean one thing. McGee and possibly Kylie were just spotted. For a few minutes my parents and me were relieved to hear that Kylie could still be alive, but the relief didn't last. Gibbs wanted me to stay with Dr. Palmer until everyone comes back with McGee and hopefully Kylie, but my parents persuaded Gibbs to let me come along as we all headed to the cars. Gibbs offered to let me ride in his car with him and agent Bishop. I look at my parents, and they agreed to let me ride with him. I tell Gibbs ok as I approach his car. I wanted to ask Gibbs where we were going to, but agent Bishop asked before I had a chance to. His answer was Kentucky as we all took off with everyone else following us. Everyone in Gibbs car was silent for almost the whole ride. The silence almost makes me want to fall asleep, but I don't know what will happen if I actually fall asleep and have some kind of nightmare. The silence was broken by agent DiNozzo. "Welcome to Kentucky everyone." He said kind of scaring Bishop from her tired state. "Um boss, where in Kentucky are we exactly going to?" Bishop asked trying to wake herself up. "We are going to Winchester." Gibbs responded. "Hey Dylan! why don't you tell us more about your family, so you aren't reading case files the whole trip." DiNozzo said to me out of the blue. "A long time ago my dad use to work for the FBI as a profiler before he was fired and was offered to be a consonant for the NYPD. He helped create profiles on a lot of killers. He also suffers from complex PTSD which my mom helps him with sometimes. He my dad was a kid. His father tried to kill him on some camping trip. Instead, my dad stabbed a man that was with his father. If you guys don't know who the man is, it was John Watkins." I said as we pulled up at a gas station in Winchester with a lot of police at it. "Well, let's continue your families backstory after we deal with this crisis." Bishop said as I agreed as the car came to a stop, and everyone got out of the car. "Excuse me are you agent Gibbs?" Asked a random officer. "Yes, and this is the rest of my team." He replied as he pointed to all of us. "Ok, the man at the cashier is in the back if you want to call to him." The officer said as he lead us to the door. As we all walked into the gas station, the man the officer was talking about saw me and acted like he recognized me for a good minute.

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