Chapter 14

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As I got back in the gas station, thanks to the cashier. I retraced Kylie steps from the bathroom to the snack isle she was standing at when McGee was paying for snack and secretly asking for help. When I was looking at the chips and candy, I spotted a small piece of paper under a Hershey candy bar that contains almonds. That is when I put on my gloves and grabbed the piece of paper. After grabbing the paper, I unfolded it to see what was written on it.
The last name of an explorer that is also the name of a capital. What am I.
Of course the clue is a riddle, but I don't have time to argue about Kylie's clue choices for me. Ok, there was an explorer that landed in America in 1492. I think his name was Christopher Columbus. Oh my God! I know where they are heading to. I need to let everyone know about this. That is when I jolted out of the gas station yelling, I KNOW WHERE THEIR HEADING! at the top of my lungs. "What! How do you know Dylan?" Dad asked with a confused look on his face. That is when I showed them the piece of paper I found. They looked at it, and then realized how I know my information. "Wow! She does have a thing for crappy riddles." Mom replied trying not to cry her eyes out. "Ok everyone, it looks like we are going to Columbus." Gibbs said as everyone went to the cars and drove away from the gas station.
Meanwhile still on the road somewhere in Kentucky.
John, McGee, and Kylie were sitting in the car silence. The silence in the car made Kylie kind of loose her mind for a few minutes. "Hey John, can we turn on the radio so it's not too quiet in here?" Kylie asked John trying not to show that the silence is slowly killing her. "Sure mini detective. I was kind of getting irritated with the silence in the car, so go right ahead and pick whatever music you want to listen to if McGee in the back doesn't mind." John replied as he looked at McGee through the rear view mirror in the car. "Go ahead Kylie. I don't mind a little music." McGee said as Kylie turned the radio on to an iHeartRadio station. The song secrets by one republic came on the radio, and Kylie out of the blue started sing the lyrics to the song. Once Kylie started singing, everyone in the car sang along with her. That had to be the most happy memory that Kylie could have while being kidnapped by one of our father's archenemies. After the song when off, John turned down the radio for a little bit, so he can tell McGee and Kylie why they are going to Columbus, Ohio.

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