Chapter 10

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After getting off the jet, we were met by an agent waiting for us in the airport. "Excuse me! Are you all NYPD and a Dr. Spencer Reid from the FBI?" The agent asked. "Yes sir. I'm Malcolm Bright and this is my team." Dad replied as everyone shook the agent's hand. "Are you agent Gibbs?" Gil asked in a serious way. "No, he is back at the office. I'm agent Anthony DiNozzo, but you all can call me Tony." The agent replied as we all got into two black SUV's and went to the NCIS headquarters.
Once we all got to the headquarters, we got out of the SVU'S and went inside the building. Once inside, we were greeted by two other people. A female with blonde hair and a tall male with glasses and dark brown hair. I believe they introduce themselves as agent Eleanor Bishop and Jimmy Palmer. I asked Jimmy if he was a NCIS agent. He told me that he was not an agent. He said that he worked in autopsy with a Dr. Mallard. Agent Bishop directed everyone to agent Gibbs desk where he was sitting and drinking coffee. "Excuse me. Are you agent Gibbs?" Mom Asked. "I am, are you Gil?" Gibbs asked my mom. "No, I am. This is detective Dani Bright." Gil replied for my mom. "Ok, it's nice to meet you Gil and Dani. Who is the rest of your team?" Gibbs Asked Gil. "Beside Dr. Reid over there. The rest of the team is detective JT Tarmel, profiler Malcolm Bright, and Malcolm's daughter Dylan." He said pointing at each and every one of us as he said our names. Gibbs shook everyone's hands before we got to the reason why we are here. "So Gibbs, why are we here?" Dad and JT Asked at the same time. We all know Gil told us on the jet ride here, but we need to heard it from Gibbs. "Hours ago, we get a call from agent McGee saying that this man killed a marine right in front of him. He went after him. He got to his house, but when he went in the house. That is the last time we heard from him." Gibbs explained in a serious way as he show John Watkins on the big screen in the office. "When me and agent Bishop went to the house, we saw a teenager's bedroom belonging to a girl of Dylan's age. There was also signs of restraints used on the floor of the room." Dinozzo said interrupting Gibbs as the room went silent for a few minutes.

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