Chapter 2

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  Once the call about Kylie was made to the police, Gil and JT came over to the house to asked me some questions before they involve my parents. They asked me questions like Kylie was walking here from school in the first place, and if Kylie was acting weird when I last spoke to her. I told them that I had to stay at school for two hours of detention today, and Kylie was acting like everything was find when we last spoke. She was acting like her normal self today. They wanted to ask me how I got in detention in the first place, but they decided not to ask. Gil told me not to worry, and that the police department will try their best to find Kylie. He also gave me a piece of candy before he and JT left. When Gil and JT were asking me those questions, all I kept thinking about was how could I have done things differently today, so Kylie would be here safe and sound. By the time Gil and JT left, they would have called mom and dad and told them what happened. An hour later dad came to grandmas to pick me up. I could tell that he was really upset about Kylie, but that's not going to stop him from finding her, and it's not going to stop me either. In the car, I told my dad that I wanted to help him and the NYPD find Kylie and bring her home alive. Normally, my dad will tell me to go on and live a life as a normal teenager, but we both know that I'm not really normal. That's why my dad is actually letting me help him with this case even if it's personal or not, but truth is, it is personal.
Months went by with no evidence or any known whereabouts on Kylie's location. Me and dad are starting to wonder if she is even still alive or not. I did help the NYPD on a few other cases in the spare time that there was. The FBI was on their way to taking over Kylie's case which was getting cold by every minute, so me and dad went on our own to solve the case. We search though Malcolm's history of enemies to find out who would most likely be able to take her. We once did consider John Watkins aka the junkyard killer as the person who took her, but on one has seen him in years. That is when one day while working in my dad's home office, we got a phone call that might soon change our lives.

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