Chapter 11

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On the road somewhere in Kentucky
John, Kylie, and McGee stopped at a gas station to use the restroom and fill up the gas tank in the car. Kylie put on her wig and disguise before leaving the car to go into the station. McGee followed Kylie into the station after John loosen the cuffs on him, and stayed outside to fill the gas tank to the car. Once McGee and Kylie got inside the station, they used the restrooms and bought a few snacks before getting ready to leave. McGee went up to the cashier at the counter to buy the snacks. The cashier ringed up the snacks. "Ten dollars and fifty cents please." The cashier said to McGee as he grabbed his wallet to get change out. He hanged the cashier fifteen dollars. "Keep the change." McGee said grabbing the bag of snacks and Kylie as he opened the door the leave. "What took you two so long?" John asked waiting by the car. "Me and Kylie thought we should get snacks for the car ride until you take us to the new place you plan to keep us at. Wherever that is at." McGee replied as he showed the bag to John as he and Kylie got into the car. "Ok, but I hope neither of you tip off anyone about our little operation." John said as he put the handcuffs back on McGee wrist before getting in the car himself to drive off. In the gas station, when the cashier was putting up the cash McGee gave him, he noticed that there was a white piece of paper with the words HELP US on it written in black ink from a pen in between the cash. The cashier was kind of scared at the message, and decided to call the cops.
Once the cops got to the station, they took the cashier's statement and checked the security tapes. One of the cops recognized McGee on the tape, and they all decided to call NCIS.

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