Chapter 13

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"Hi. I'm agent DiNozzo from NCIS and this is Dylan Bright NYPD consonant. I believe you seen these two people earlier." Tony said introducing us and showing pictures of agent McGee and Kylie. "Yeah! they were here earlier. The man brought some snacks while the girl he was with used the restroom and waited for him to leave the cashier. I did notice that the girl had blonde hair instead of black hair like yours ms. Bright." The cashier replied while looking at me. "Ok, that will be all for now. We will call you if we need anything from you." I said handing the cashier Tony's card trying not to burst into tears. After leaving the gas station, I told my parents that Kylie is alive. They were happy with the news, but they are like how could I know she is alive. That is when I told them that the cashier saw a girl with blonde hair instead of black like mine. Last time I remember Kylie had black hair, so John must have dyed her hair or he gave her a wig. The cashier also recognized me without knowing who I was yet.
After a few minutes of silence between me and my parents, we went are separate ways. They went to talk out a plan with everyone else while I try to figure out why John has kept Kylie alive this long, and why does he need McGee. Based on my own knowledge about Kylie. She has great detective skills. Our parents call her mini detective while my nickname was mini profiler. I wished that I had Kylie's skill set about now. That way, we could have found her sooner. That is when I remember a game me and Kylie use to play when our parents are working on a case.
Here is how the game works, Kylie would use to hide one of my stuff animals and put out some clues around grandma's house for me to fine. The clues would include some small piece of paper with a secret code or riddle for me to solve. She always said the game would help me if someone close is lost and needed to be found in real life. Remembering the game, I ran back into the gas station while no one was looking to look for any clues that Kylie might have left for me to find.

The daughter of a genius profiler Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang