Chapter 6

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Still somewhere in Virginia
Kylie is confused. She is wondering why the man who kidnapped her is covered in blood and telling her that they need to leave. The thought of someone recognizing her did come across her mind, but her captor made it impossible for anyone to identify her in her disguise. The main question in her mind was why is the man in front of her covered in blood, and why does he have a knife in his hand? Kylie didn't ask any questions. She just grabbed anything she can get, and got herself unchained before leaving the room. "John! Where we going?" Kylie asked out of thin air. "I don't know yet, but we need to get to the car like now." John Watkins replied as they walked through the house their in. "John Watkins! NCIS! Come out with your hands up!" Said the agent at the front door. "John! Who did you kill that has NCIS at the door?" Kylie asked with concern. "It's none of your business mini detective. Just go outside to the car and wait for me there." He replied as he gave Kylie her disguise before having her run to the back door. John started to go jump out the kitchen window, but the NCIS agent got a hold of him first. "Agent Timothy McGee. It been too long since I last seen you." John said with a smirk on his face as Tim put the cuffs on John's wrist. "Well John, you messed up by killing that marine in front of me like 20 minutes ago." Tim replied as he started to drag John out of the house. All the sudden, John broke out of his handcuffs and took Agent McGee's gun from him, and pointed it at him before getting to the front door of the house. "Now you listen to me McGee. I want you to handcuff yourself and follow me." John said as agent McGee listened and did what John told him to do. Kylie was sitting in the car waiting for John to come. When she finally saw him, she was relieved. Then, she saw a man walking handcuffed behind him. "John. What's going on, and who is this guy?" Kylie asked in a suspicious way. "Kylie Bright, I want you to meet NCIS agent Timothy McGee. He is going to be with us for a while." John replied as he put McGee in the car before finally driving off.

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