12. 𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒎𝒂 𝒌𝒆𝒊 ↠​ Etched affection ↞ (angst/fluff)

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Song of the fic : Less of you by Keshi
Requested by @dinosandshirtcake

Song of the fic : Less of you by KeshiRequested by @dinosandshirtcake

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It's been so long. Yet everything still feels fresh. Like it happened an instant ago.

The pain.

The heartbreak.

The hurt.

It's just as real, as open, as cruel, as always. Always digging its claws in. One call away, yet so far beyond words.

Y/n shrugged her shoulders in a state of indecision, like she's on the verge of a bridge between two worlds thousands of miles apart.

At the bottom of her conscious, she knew it meant nothing to him: the past, the memories, the closure. Talking to him was pouring your heart out to a marble stone: cold and distant. Ironically, one can't ignore the fact that how perfectly sculpted and sensual a marble statue can be.

Y/n tried pushing any thoughts of Kei out of her mind, yet her persistent cellular device sat at the corner of her dark wood night stand tempted her to make the move. One call away, was etched all across her mind. Light thunderstorm drummed against her spring windowsill when her mind drifted off from reality.

"I wont let you have the pleasure of what you want," exhaustion evident in her small voice.

"I wont give it to you." Pleading determination and trembling tears almost making their way to her face but his stoic lips not once allowed speech to escape his mouth. His golden orbs looked down on her as winter rain drenched their forms in thick sheets, mocking their ongoing feud.

Too much time in the limelight
Gimme your all on the land line
Want it so bad but I won't lie
And it just gets worse in the night time

"I'm aware you're packed with your growing volleyball career but one phone call a day is not too much to ask for when you've been with someone for 2 years... I love you Tsuki, I really do," y/n clenched her fists and threw her hands in the air, followed by nothing but Tsukishima's unsettling reply.

"I won't ask you to stay again," he sucked his teeth and glanced across the wet football field.

"I come see you for what? To hear the same nagging of yours every week?" not a single variation of kei's tone, an indication of his utter honesty of words.

When you come home
I just got over being less of you

"Just leave y/n," a shatter to y/n's heart. "You really don't need to stay because I'm sure there are plenty other guys willing to make you happier than I ever will."

When you leave me
I'm in pieces
Maybe it's better if we cut it loose

"Leave." It was the last word she remembers Tuskishima Kei, her first high school boyfriend say to her.

"Make it quick and easy for both of us," were the words she did not hear as she silently walked away with tears disguised as rain drops rolling down her face.

Now 2 years after their breakup, 2 years of living separate, 2 continents apart, 2 lives apart, she loathed herself for not having a closure. She had no right to call him back and ask him why he did what he did. After being each other's first for everything, after all they went through together, he never once explained why it was so convenient for him to cut ties off.

She felt knots of remorse and self blame envelop her guts. If she did love him so much, why did she walk away without uttering a word either? Even she didn't persuade him to stop and think in the moment. If she just choose to kiss him, instead of gulping his bitter words down her scratchy throat, they might have still been together. Simultaneously, if he wanted to be with her, they would have been, if he held her hand, pulled her closer, instead of letting her walk away, they would be still together.

It was no use reminiscing the past now just like it's no use watering dead plants. Now she was on the other side of the world, in America, studying in her dream college where new wilderness awaited her. Yet at the end of the day, her mind always drifted off to the one to whom belonged her heart; Tsukishima Kei.

Far beyond the oceans, on a gymnasium court, thud, was a sound of a volleyball against a pair of pale lanky arms on whose mind was a girl off to sleep in America. "I love you Tsuki, I really do," a distant voice echoed in his wandering mind as he killed another ball from the opponent.

It's been about 5 years since he heard anyone exclaim such a bizarre statement to him, yet he missed it even as he convinced himself he didn't. His heart skipped a beat just as another volleyball hit against his sweaty palms in a spring court. He's been practicing for his upcoming nationals tournament for months on an end, but recently he can't help but think if Y/n thinks about him too.

Maybe she misses making him lunch, or attending his games, or cheering him on for his minimal hard work. Who knows if she smiles just as bright as she used to when he kissed her forehead or gave her a random hug after class. Dreadingly, a painful smile tugged against his lips as he clicked his tongue in reminisce.

The month of May started with an overload of work. Y/n spent hours submitting her assignments and completing the tasks for her internship. She opened the glass doors of her college to a warm breeze against her happy face. She felt a little lighter than the past few weeks, yet something felt oddly familiar when she neared the exit of her campus. Her Dior heels clicked against the pavement while she fished for her car keys, but her buzzing phone caught her attention.

"What would you ask for if you could have anything in the world right now?" an eerie voice filled with a sarcastic smirk filled her ears. Her heart raced and stopped when a lean beige coated figure leaned against a black Porsche, a large hand running through his blonde hair, small glasses sat on his smirk fetched face.

She wanted to run, scream, dance, fly, all with euphoria and fatal dread of Tsukishima Kei before her sight.

"I'm not sure, but what do you want Mr Know it All?" She threw herself into his wide opened arms as his laugh and cologne engulfed her entirely.

"I have you, as I like to think. So I'm happy with what I got."

It felt like being back on the high school football field all those years ago, but this time the tears were filled with longing affection and memories instead of unsaid words.


Hey everyone! I'm finally out of my writer's block and ready to write for some requests <3 if you have one, you can go to index and request one on the request section. I hope everyone is staying safe in quarantine.

H. ❤️

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