I cant believe my eyes, when I saw him..
Its been three months..."Hey, V" I smiled at him, which he quickly returned, "What are you doing here?" He asked seating himself beside me. "Star gazing" I looked at the stars, he looked at me and smiled. "You love them?" And I nodded my head. "Its been three months" I said to break the silence, "Yea" his voice was soft. "How about, we eat there" He pointed to a fancy restaurant "Nah, I prefer here" I pointed his finger on a donut shop. "You love donut as well?" I nodded "Nutty ring" we said in sync. And chuckled after.
As soon, as we got inside he stood up to order our food. I seated beside the window, and minutes later he seat infront of me. I mumbled a little 'thank you' before grabbing the donut, and bite on it. He smiled, while eating 'cute'.. "So howsh ash you?" He talked while munching his food "I sont unshderstand you" I micmiked his voice, and he laughed soon he swallowed it. "I said, how are you" he chuckled, I smiled. "Im doing fine actually" "Why are you there alone in the park" He asked "Jk, just cross into my ind, we used to bond there." I let out, and his eyes soften remembering his bestfriend. "Ah, so thats why star gazing" I crossed my brows. "Jk, loves stars ever since. Sometimes, he would just asked me to come with him, and watch the stars, childish but its fun. Stars are beautiful after all." I smiled at his statement. "Jk, is like seven years old sometimes though." I added, and he nodded his head "Yea, he even baby talk sometimes when he wants something he cant get" I nodded "and fake cries, if he didnt got what he wants" he chuckled. "Such a baby" I nodded my head and lift my hand up "Agree" and he chuckled and put his hand on mine. We both chuckled after the high five, "So you've got a boyfriend?" He suddenly asked changing the subject. "Hmm? Nah" he raise his brows "Why?" I rest my chin on my hand. "Simple, because Im too beautiful for them" and he fake choke on his drink. "Im so sick of this fake news, fake news" he sang fake love making me laugh with his choreo. "I hate you" I joked and chuckled "I missed you" his eyes soften at me, he is sincere of his words and suddenly I froze, pulse increasing. Cheeks, heating instantly "I missed you, tomato" I looked awsy at him, and he chuckled "Your nickname, fits you" I rolled my eyes, "whatever you say, alien" he fake glared at me cutely. "Dont call me that" and I chuckled "How about, dont call me tomato, and I wont call you alien. Deal?" I offer my hand for a handshake "Deal" he shook it, and we both chuckled after.
I got home, after eating with V earlier. A smile plastered on my face. Removing my shoes, as I got inside. "Whats up Yoogs" I greeted Yoon Gi who is getting ready to sleep on my couch."Your ceiling tf" he rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say, Daegu boy" he risen up "What did you just call me?" And I smirked, remembering Hoseok says that Yoon Gi hates it, whenever he is called Daegu boy. "Idiot?" I answered with savageness in my voice, "Whatever, you stupid brat. Im sleeping, I dont want to hear noise" I raise my brows "If you dont want to hear anything, then rest in peace" I said "Idiot?" He mimicked me, "I already passed away" he said with a duh tone. And just lay down there, me and Yoon Gi never had a proper talk, we just like almost fight, weird, but we found that comfortable. "Whatever, good night" I said before going upstairs. "There's nothing good in the night" I heard him answered before drifting to sleep. I just let out a sigh, Yoon Gi never wants to be defeated when it comes to his savageness. I chuckled and do my night routine, before drifting myself into sleep.
Joseon Period :
"Your Majesty!, the crown prince is here!" The eunuch announces, Jiwon's eyes widened when she heard the eunuch announced, Taehyung hasnt fully recovered yet, yes he said his fine, but his body betrays him. "Get my gown, I'll be going outside" Jiwon told her court lady, and they help Jiwon wear her gown. She quickly walked outside and saw Taehyung kneeling infront of his father's chamber. His lips are pale, and his body is weak. But he needs to be strong, "Your Majesty, please bring Prince Jimin where he should be" his voice was solemn, when he bowed. Jiwon heart ache at the scene. "I wont harm Prince Jimin, besides you dont have enough proof" Jiwon heard the king answered. Taehyung's head is low, and bowed down. Jiwon, have an idea to help Taehyung. She grab her skin on her neck, and secretly pinch it until it made a purple bruise. She kneeled down, infront of the Kings chambers, Taehyung was startled seeing Jiwon beside him. "Your Majesty, I am your son's proof" Jiwon let out emphasizing the word 'son' Jiwon heard the King scoff. She then remove her first clothe, and everybody gasped and never to look at her. "Prince Jimin, attempts to touch me, and I have here his mark as an evidence." The king gasped and ordered his own eunuch to open his chambers, seeing Jiwon with a mark on her neck. His eyes turns dark, "Your son, your majesty save me from him" she explained, Taehyung was touched by her. "Please put him where he shouod be!" A man spoke beside Taehyung, and kneeled as well, it was his brother Jungkook. Hoseok bowed as well behind Taehyung, and Namjoon who stayed on the tree. "Please put Prince Jimin where he should be!" They all said in sync. Soon everybody joins them, making the King pissed off. He have no choice but to be good infront of his people, he needs to remain his own image. "Tell the General Kim to get Prince Jimin and put him in cells" with that The king left without the people noticing that he rolled his eyes, when he turns his back to everyone. Taehyung smiled at Jungkook and Jiwon, his eyes are telling them how thankful he is. "You dont even need to hurt yourself" Taehyung's hand came in touch with Jiwons neck, making her heartbeat increase. Taehyung, also thank Jungkook after what he did. Taehyung, help Jiwon stood up and Jungkook helped him. Taehyung put his arm around Jungkook's shoulder, and the younger prince just smiled. Taehyung grab Jiwon's hand and interlock her fingers with his. After a simple talk, Taehyung instructed his eunuch to get General Kim...
Taehyung sit inside his chambers, enduring the dizziness he felt. "Your Majesty" General Kim bowed infront of him, "I need you, to help me make free all those womans, child, and girl" General Kim's eyes widend "But, your majesty, it is against your father's will." Taehyung breathes in "Prince Jimin, is the reason why you lost your own child. Everything that happens to her, Prince Jimin is behind of it. And alll of those things, such as rape and sexual abuse are all happening to those children who is innocent." Taehyung's eyes waters as soon he remembered everything what he saw, General Kim's blood started to boil, and pain was on his heart when he finally knew who is behind all of those what happened to his lost child. "How many man's do you need Your Majesty" General Kim bowed, he dont care anymore if this is against the King's will or what. Atleast, he can give a justice to his daughter, atleast he can help Taehyung to right all the things that is wrong. "I need all your troops, General prepare for a war" was all The Crown Prince said...
Present Day:
I got up from my bed, when I heard my doorbell ring, stumbling I never expected any visitor in this hour. Going downstairs, I heard Yoon Gi cursed, before turning his back on the door. I grab the door knob and open it, I got confuse when I saw V....
V's P.O.V.
Y/n opened her door, and I quickly looks away after seeing her wearing night gown. I looked at her face, only directly at her face. She smiled, and confuse crossed on her face "Uhh, you forgot your ponytail" I remove it from my wrist "H-hu? Thank you?" She is confused "I just thought, that you need tomorrow?" Fudge that, V great job, great excuse. "Okay?" She said with a confuse smile,Just freaking ask her out V. Just tell her you like her, then leave, thats all you have to do. You fish, alien. "G-good night, I guess?" Ohh, great. Just let the heavens take me now. Stuttering now are we?. Ugh! "Yea, good night. Thanks for this" she smiled and grab the knob, Come on dude, freaking say the word!.. its just three words, I. LIKE.YOU. "I-I like you" I manage to say, before she close her door, but she didnt heard it clearly. Now great!.. its such a good life, I have, such a good life. "Hmm?" She asked holding her door. Repeat it, you piece of alien, just repeat your freaking self. "Nothing, I said I like your ponytail" Yea, fudge you self, I love you so much! Ugh!
She chuckled "Youre so random, V thank you for this. Good night" and she smiled this time, a pure smile. Dont melt self, dont melt. "Good night, sweet dreams" she nodded and closed the door after bidding our good bye..
"Maybe not now, is the right time to tell you how I really feel"
Hey guys, so I changed the title of this book into "Fate Against Us" from "Lost Soul" I just got an idea to change the plot and also the plot twist. But there is still a lost soul, which is the last mission of Taehyung. I just change the plot twist, and Im not gonna tell you, just wait for it...Hehehe

Fate Against Us | K.TH√
Fanfiction"I fell in love with a person, who is never meant to be mine." A love story that even a lifetime can't stop. Even if fate is against us, we'll still meet, and fall inlove..