Chapter 16

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I felt my world shattered into pieces, it felt like a dream come true. I never knew this time would come, I never knew we will meet once again "Jungkook" he smiled a bunny smiled, he just open his arms wide for me to cuddle. "Are you for real?" He chuckled "Do I look like Im not?" He raise his brow, with a teasing smile on his face. He didnt say anything after that, a silence tooked over us. I am happy, so happy that he is here right now. After seconds of absorbing what happened, I finally manage to walk closer to him, I touched his face with my palm. He just close his eyes, and felt my touch. He open those brown orbs and smiled at me. It was a gentle smile, making me smile back. "I miss you" those words came out from my mouth. "I miss you more though" he chuckled, and I tiptoed to wrap my arms around his neck. I felt the familiar warmth making me smile. He just cant help but smile. He wrap his arms around me and hugged me back, we both sway our bodies while hugging. We both chuckled after pulling back, "Hey, I have a lot of good news to tell you though." He smiled "Me and V are together now." I smiled at him, he is happy for us I can see that in his orbs. "Wow, stay strong then" I chuckled at his response, "You are so non sense" he laughed "Excuse me, you missed this non sense guy though." He raise his brow, I playfully rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say."

I seated on a chair, while waiting for Jungkook he is currently ordering a milktea for the both of us, I wait patiently and looked at my phone if they are messages or call from V. I sighed, when there's nothing.

'Hey, love whatcha doin?.. I am here with Jungkook at a milk tea house.' 

I messaged him, and put my phone down. Staring at it, waiting for his reply, I didnt even notice Jungkook seating infront of me. "V hyung?" He asked with a teasing smile lingering on his face, I just let out a force chukle. And his eyes turned into worried one "Why? Are you okay? Did you guys fight?" He asked eager for an answer, I just shook my head, and let out a small smile. "Nah, he just usually reply within a minute." I sighed and looked down, when I looked up Jungkook is offering me the milktea, I just shooked my head "Oh come on, its winter melon" He says teasing me, I just chuckled and give up, I sip on the straw and he did the same with his. 

'Are you okay?..
Is everything alright?'.

Still no reply, "Why dont you call him?" Jungkook suggested when he saw me sighing once again. I smiled at his idea, and grab my phone to call him. After a seconds of ringing, the beep sound echoed "He declined it" and that made me more worried and I felt my heart was pinch, it was just a simple declined. 'Why do I have to react like this?'  I was too dazed off, until Jungkook's voice echoed through my ears. "Do you want me to find him?" Jungkook grab his phone and I hold his wrist to stop him. "You know, I know hyung." He answered I just shooked my head "Maybe he wanted to be alone." I answered and looked down. "I thought you are dead, how did you came back?" I asked changing the subject, Jungkook just sighed and gave up. Putting his phone down he answered "Im sorry y/n" I raise my brow, "I never died actually."

Jungkook P.O.V.

"I never died actually" 'I never did, I just want to get this feeling off me.'  Her eyes were confused "I lied to you" my voice turned into whisper when I said those words I can see your eyes, theres disappointment in them, but you tried to smiled and hide it. I can see you wanted to understand why I did those things, to you. You hold my hand, instead of throwing them away. 'This is why, I fell for you.'  I looked in your orbs and smiled, "Because I have personal things to do." And you knew I was lying, 'you really know me. Like no other.' But you just smiled like you understand me, that I cant tell you what is the exact reason. 'Im sorry y/n, I cant tell you I love you. I just cant, I knew you love me, I can feel it since the first time we met. Your eyes never lied, I stay by your side and we became so close that our bond make our heart beat in one beat. But I cant, I cant tell you I love you. Because I know he loves you,  Because he is the one for you, because I love him and I love you as well. And if I told you I love you, it will not hurt only me, but also my hyung and you. Im so sorry y/n, Im sorry for lying.' You just smiled and nod in understanding 'Thank you y/n'  I smiled back and continue to drink the tea.

End of P.O.V.

I sighed in disappointment "Its been an half of hour Jk and there is still no reply from him" Jungkook took my wrist and a strong  gust of wind was felt. When he tooked me in a rooftop, I grow confuse but I notice the man seating I looked at Jungkook, and he just smiled once again that teasing bunny smile. I mouthed 'thank you'  at Jungkook, and slowly walk to V.  "Hey love" I said as soon I approach him, but he seems avoiding me. I felt it, I can see it in his eyes. But still I sit beside him, as soon as my butt landed on the surface, he slightly move away. I just let out a chuckle, a confuse chuckle "Are you avoiding me? What happened? Are you okay?" I reached for his face but he backed away. I sighed in disbelief, "Can you leave me alone?" He asked and that made my world crash, 'you are begging me to leave you alone.' "Do you have a problem? Hey, we can figure it out together." I tried to reach for him, I tried to understand him. "Leave, I dont need you I can figure this out with my own" his words echoed through my ears. I looked at his eyes, I cant read them, it seems like he is not the V I met.  I let out a chuckle "If you make me leave, you will cry for your whole life" I said but he did not looked at my way, he avoids my orbs he avoids me. "Dont make me leave" I felt my tears falls, I hold his hand and pulled him close. I wrap my arms around him "dont make me leave, please not you" I cried on his shoulder but his arms never did hugged me. It just stay froze, never doing any action. I pulled back and hold his face, I looked at him I stared in his eyes, but he looked away. 'You dont want me anymore? Are you tired of me V?"  I breath out and wipe my tears. "You wanted to be alone? Then be alone." That was all I manage to say before standing up, and leave him I felt an hand around my wrist. It was Jungkook who is holding me, I just hold his hand and slowly remove it around my wrist.  I walked out, I needed to be out of here I cant, I cant just let him see I broke down. I run, and run, and run away from there. When I knew its far away, and its far enough I started to broke down, I cried I dont care about the rain, I stop at a bus stop 'Just follow me, V I will hear you out'  I waited there, 'If he really wants me he will search for me. He know that I always stay here at this stop. I know he know.'  But he never came, I felt my heart shattered into pieces I cried at loud, all our memories flashed in my mind..

His face when he says those three words for me, his eyes that stares at me like I am his one and only. His warmth that enveloping me, his scent, his everything. But his eyes were different when I looked at them earlier, it was like it is not him. His eyes now were like it didnt want me. And that makes me teared up. 'How about all what he have done? All those lovely things?" I cried 'Did he really love me.?'  Those questions lingered in my mind, I just kept on crying, and crying until I felt a shoulder infront me. And he lean my head on his shoulder, he envelopes me in his arms.

"Im sorry Y/n"


Hey guys, stay safe and wear a mask...
I cant believe angst happened..😂

Thnks for reading please vote and follow...
See you on my next chap!💜


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