Your P.O.V.
Hastily, I grab my bag and tied up my hair before going out of the house, Taehyung is already there standing his back is leaning on his car, while his hands are in his pocket. "Lets go?" Taehyung smiled and opened his cardoor, I got inside and he seat on the driver's seat. He starts the engine and played some music, I look at the window and saw something on his window. "Seriously, Kim Taehyung?" I raise my brows and pointed at it, Taehyung looked at where I am pointing and his eyes widened, he grab a tissue with his one hand, and I grab it from his hand. "Eyes on the road" I 'tssk' before wiping off the lipstick kiss mark on his window. "Sorry" Taehyung says shyly, "I know you are a freaking fuckboi, but cant you clean your mess after?" I glared at him, and he awkwardly smiled "Sorry, fboi can be loyal though." Taehyung defended, "yea, yea whatever" I said and he chuckled "Are you mad?" He pinch my left cheek "Eyes on the road Taehyung!" I remove his hand, and he chuckled "Yes, ma'am" and I let out a soft chuckle. Making him smile, I smiled while watching the view outside and my smile slowly disappeared "Where are we going?" I asked Taehyung and he looked at me "Busan" he smiled and when he said that I remembered 'him' "Why you dont like it here y/n?" Taehyung asked worriedly "No, no its fine I like it. I just remembered something thats all" I looked down and chuckled softly, Taehyung just nodded before stopping his car infront of a beach. I smiled when Taehyung opened the cardoor, I got off and watch the sea waving. I looked sideways and it seems like I saw Jungkook holding two banana milk in his hands, he raise it up and smiled at me. "Y/n" Taehyung waved his hand infront of me making Jungkook disappeared "Are you okay y/n?" I nodded my head and sighed. Taehyung started to walk and I followed him, we both walk beside the sea, it was calming "Everything that I did to you, was because I love you." I remembered Jungkook, I looked down at the sand and all of our memories flashed into my mind. It seems like my heart is betraying me, I am with Taehyung but it was him who is on my mind. I felt my tears falls on my cheeks while I continue to walk, my heart squeezes in pain, then I felt a fingers wrap around my wrist "Y/n" Taehyung called softly and I looked at him, I didnt even realise it was now late. Because my mind is busy, busy thinking of him. I looked at Taehyung, and when his orbs meant mine I lost it, I break down infront of him. "Im sorry, Taehyung Im so so sorry" I cried and Taehyung suddenly became confuse and worried "Im really really sorry" I cried out all the pain, Taehyung seems to get what I am saying "It is him?" Taehyung asked softly his eyes is in pain and he smiled. I nodded and sobbed "Hey, look at me." He hold my face in his palms "I understand its alright, I already saw this coming." Taehyung chuckled "You dont have to say sorry y/n, its not your fault. It was the fate" Taehyung added "Its alright, you dont have to be sorry." with that he pulled me in his arms, and I hugged him, Taehyung kissed softly my forehead, and smiled at me. "Thank you y/n for being honest" Taehyung smiled at me and I nodded my head "Im sorry" he shooked his head with a gentle smile. "Here" Taehyung gave me a train ticket and I crossed my brows "Jungkook is gonna leave tomorrow, I think he havent tell you yet?" And I nodded getting the train ticket "Maybe he will tell it later." Taehyung added "Thanks" I smiled at him "As long as youre happy. Im fine your welcome" Taehyung smiled "But can I asked you something?" And he hummed in responsed "We are still friends right?" And Taehyung chuckled "You think a simple reject to a fboi, makes me unfriend with you?" And I nodded "Im just afraid that you might leave after this. But its okay, if you want I dont want to be selfish" and he smiled "Ofcourse, we are still friends. I will always be keep in touch I promise and I wont hope for you anymore, you see I still got womens to have fun with though" he says in joke making my fist land on his arm "You fboi" he chuckled "Kidding, I think I will stop having sex" I started to walk with him "and why is that?" I raised my brow "Because I dont felt like?" He answered his hands in his pockets and walked with me. I chuckled at his answer "Nah, its just like I tasted all the girls in the campus" and I did a sour face, when I cringe "Well not me" I jokingly flip my hair to the back and Taehyung smirk "You know we can do it, with no feelings though" he came close and stand infront of me his body comes nearer and close to me. "Just freaking one night stand" Taehyung whispered sexily beside my ear, and slightly bite it. And I froze he backed up and that innocent chuckled came out from his mouth "Youre blushing" Taehyung laughed at me. "You love Jungkook, but admit it I am one of your crush dont worry I wont tell him" he chuckled and I 'tssk' before chuckling with him.
We are nearly in the end guys...

Fate Against Us | K.TH√
Fanfiction"I fell in love with a person, who is never meant to be mine." A love story that even a lifetime can't stop. Even if fate is against us, we'll still meet, and fall inlove..