Chapter 13

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Adalee's POV

The walk through the city was fun, but a little stressful when people recognized Victoria.

Many people stopped us, thanking her for being such an amazing queen. They questioned who I was, seeing as I'm not from here.

Victoria gave them a vague answer, saying, "She's my special guest." She smiled at me with a brilliant smile, and the crowd gushed at how sweet their queen is.

Now it is the next day, and Victoria promised me that I'm going to meet her sisters. My heart races with how much I'm anticipating our meeting.

Victoria leads me to what seems like a living room, and we sit down on the couch. The couch is plush and soft, being a royal gold with red embroidery. I'm noticing a theme around this castle.

In walk three beautiful girls, and the shortest one squeals.

The short one with dark brown hair rushes over to hug me. I hug her back, matching her excitement. Other people's emotions rub off on me.

She introduces herself mid-hug, "Hi I'm Alicia! It's so nice to meet you, Victoria mind linked me about you a lot!"

I giggle at that, happy that she mentioned me. Alicia pulls away and Victoria's other sisters come closer. The two taller sisters have the same dark brown hair as Alicia, but have silver eyes.

"I'm Kate and this is Elle, and we are twins." Elle is slightly taller than Kate, that's how I can tell them apart.

Everyone sits down, and we start chatting about how Victoria and I met. I tell my side of the story, "This beautiful mermaid kept visiting me in my dreams, but things kept happening that couldn't be explained. Turns out my dreams were real, and so was Victoria. She saved me when my dad pushed me into the water and I almost drowned."

The sisters sit there with their mouths wide open. Alicia is the first to say something, "Your dad's a dick!"

Victoria gasps, seemingly not happy she said that word. "Alicia, you are fourteen years old. You are not allowed to say words like that."

Alicia just shrugs, and says quietly, "I've said worse before."

This makes me laugh, Victoria's face turning into one of shock. Kate and Elle are pretty quiet, Alicia being the outgoing one.

Kate is the first one to break the awkward silence, "So, Victoria, how did you find Adalee?"

Victoria starts her story, "I was first just swimming on patrol, and saw her. I had to come back to investigate her dad littering and see her picking up the trash. She falls into the water, I save her, and then it all starts from there."

I realize that she had to come there because of my dad, so I apologize. "Sorry for my dad, I tried my hardest to pick up all the trash he threw on the ground."

"Don't worry, my love. I know. You almost died trying to pick up trash out of the ocean," Victoria reassures me, smiling slightly. This makes me feel better.

The sisters look at us with wide eyes, before Alicia says, "I've never seen Victoria this happy. She used to never smile."

I look to Victoria to see if this is true, and she has a look of wonder on her face. "I think I just figured out something," Victoria says with hope in her voice.

"Well, come on! Tell us," I exclaim, wanting to know what she's thinking about.

"I think we are destined mates."

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