chapter 4

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Death stood looking into the vast darkness that is his life.

The only lights that ever show up, were the bright lights of the souls. The ones who tried their hardest to please everyone. The ones that were pure.

But even the dark souls brought a light. Dimmer sure, but still light. Still something that needed love and warmth.

Death couldn't walk away from any of them. They all deserved his love. They all needed him to greet them.

Although Death gave so much love. Gave everything of himself to greet every new soul. People still feared him. Because he was the unknown.

No one knew what happened after death. They never knew until that moment that they would be greeted with a warm smile and a hug full of love.

They never knew that death was the welcoming home embrace from the long day of your life.

And still, when some crossed, they didn't want him to touch them. They were so broken, that even in death, they couldn't bear to be touched. They couldn't bear the thought of being whole again.

There wasn't much Death could do for those souls. Just leading them to their place of rest. Leading them to their heaven. Or their hell.

A vibration in the air draws his attention, his eyes flicker to his planner. His eyes widen at the amount of souls written for him to collect within the next few minutes. Hundreds.

He draws in a deep breath. Preparing himself to accept and welcome that many souls. Preparing himself to see the devastation of human death.

Closing his eyes, Death draws his strength. Pulling it close to himself as if it was a cloak. Wrapping himself up in its protection.

No matter the lives lost in the next few minutes. Death would welcome them all. Death would accept them all. Death would take them to their final resting with nothing but pure unadulterated love flowing through him and into them.

Death took a step, and stood in the middle of a field. He looked up to the sky. Watching as a plane, engulfed in flames, slowly plummeted it's way to earth.

The ground shook with its landing. And an ear piercing screech filled the air as the plane was ripped apart. Parts scattering throughout the area.

Death took a step forward and stood among the bodies. Some still clinging to life. Most ready to leave. He lightly touched each soul. Pulling them from the broken and bloody, the burnt, the unrecognizable. Again and again. He touched. He collected. He welcomed.

Again and again, he gathered them to him. Holding them safe.

A flicker in the corner of his eye drew his attention. His head turning towards it. But when he looked there was nothing. No one that would pull his attention from ths souls, and yet. His hands stilled.

"Time?" He whispered.

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