chapter 12

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He looks into the depths of her eyes. Knows she is terrified of the past. Of seeing the consequences of her actions. Of her decisions.

Of her meddling.

His hand crosses the distance between their bodies, gripping her wrist so she wouldn't be able to escape.

It's time she faced the past.

His body whirls, and he starts pulling her unwillingly to where he wants. She tries to dig her feet in, tries desperately the loosen his fingers grip on her. Tries to stop his momentum.

She stumbles as he gives a sharp tug on her wrist, feet falling over each other as they try to catch up with her upper body.

Eyes widening as the dark veils starts encroaching on their forms. He body starts to shake like a leaf. Trembling.

"Please. Please, pleasepleaseplease... please no." The words tumble from her lips.

But they fall upon deaf ears.

He walks her back through time. Back through death, life, love, creation, decimation, happiness, joy, hopelessness, despair. War and famine. Success and failure.

Back further and further. To times she has buried so far in the deepest recesses of her mind, she doesn't think about them anymore.

To the people, the lives, the love that she had forgotten.

Finally he stops. Her eyes are glued to the ground. Yellow wheat fields surround her. The grasses gently swaying around her waist.

She knows exactly where she is.

And she doesn't want to look.

Pain grips her heart, because she knows what is coming. She knows what is going to happen.

Hoseok stands behind her. His hands on her shoulder, as he raises her chin to look before her.

"Look." His voice is soft against her ear.

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