chapter 7

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"Sigane More"

The words whispered across the air. Times eyes widened.

There was a shift in the very fabric of her existence. A shift in everything she had ever known.

A force beyond her understanding grips her. Pulling her to its whim. Forcing her to do what it wants. What it needs.

Back it pulls her. Back through the veil
Her eyes shut. She doesn't want to open them. She doesn't want to turn to look at the one that called her.

The one that has the power to bend her to their will.

Her name was whispered. Her true name. No one had spoken it for so long, no one had uttered the words in a millennia. She had almost forgotten what it was herself.

She feels the veils between them falling. Exposing her to whomever called to her.

Her body stands rigid, not wanting to look. Not wanting to see who has called her. Who has remembered her. Her hands shake as she clutches them together.

She can feel their presence standing behind her. Their eyes taking in her form. She can feel their judgement.

Her ears pick up the slight shuffling of their feet upon the ground. Their body nearing hers.

She imagines their hand reaching out to touch her.

But she can't allow it.

Slowly, she turns her body towards theirs. Her eyes still closed, head facing the floor.

Raising her head, her eyes snap open. Locking onto the man before her.

Her breath catches in her throat as she takes him in.

Long, lean muscular legs, spread shoulder width apart, cloaked in skintight black leather pants.

A leather jacket hangs carelessly off his shoulder, his white tshirt showing small snatches of skin through specifically placed cuts.

His arms flex against his chest. Folded tight, so he wont reach out.

Her eyes raise higher, taking in his slim but muscular form. Up the curve of his neck to his face.

She watches as his tongue darts out and licks his pink lips, before they form a slight pout. Her eyes scan over the perfect slope of his nose, the high cheekbones.

Ebony black hair falls across his face is a careless manner. Covering his eyes so she can't read him.

"Who are you?"

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