chapter 13

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"Do you know why this happened?"

His arms hold her shoulders, not letting her turn from the past. It plays out in front of her eyes like a scene from a tragic movie.

Because that's exactly what it is. Tragic.

The end of a civilization. The end of their existence.

She feels tears start to well up in her eyes, as they take in the fields surrounding her. The people working like it was just another normal day.

They never understood that their end was so close. They never knew that in mere moments their existence, everything would change.

A loud booms fills the air. Ash and smoke cloaking the sky, and dimming the suns effect.

Heads turned to the mountains that lay behind them. Eyes widening in terror and utter disbelief as the sky changes from blue to black and red.

Children run screaming in fright, until white falls upon their bodies. Thinking it is snow for moments, until a choking gas starts to invade their lungs. Smothering them in a burning heat.

A baby starts squalling, its cries filling the air. Time walks closer to the mother, watching as she gives comfort to the small child, all the while feeling terror bubbling up in herself.

Watching as she sits to feed them, singing a song just for her. Giving comfort and a mothers love.

Her tears begin to fall over, rolling down her cheeks and dropping to the dry earth below her feet.

But her eyes can't stop watching, can't stop the deaths of thousands. Millions.

She can't stop her heart from breaking as she watches lovers hold each other in their arms waiting for the end to come.

People try to flee and run, bodies crashing into each other as they try to escape the fate that is chasing them.

Small children and the elderly were trampled underfoot of those larger and stronger. Screams filling the air, barely heard above the crumbling of buildings.

The rules of society were thrown away, as people were faced with their greatest fear. Death.

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