chapter 8

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"Who are you?" She whispered, her voice soft and melodic. But wavering slightly, unsure if she should ask.

Deaths eyes rested upon hers.

"I am Death."

He watches as she steps backwards, trying to escape, but her name is on his lips again, and she can't move.

"I...I nee-"

"No!" The word rips through his body. "No. You must stay. You need to stay."

Her eyes stare into his. She stills as she sees something; a spark maybe; lights up his eyes. Her head tilts to the side as she contemplates him.

"I am Death. I collect souls, and take them to their final resting places. But to you. To you, I am Hoseok."

His eyes travelled her body, taking in her outfit that was not dissimilar to his.

Her dark clothing complimenting her skin. Hair rippling against her shoulders as she tilts her head. The black jeans with holes scattered across them in a seemingly careless manner. The white shirt left open and exposing a singlet of black underneath. Her collarbones standing out it stark relief against the monotone of colours surrounding them.

Her eyes, an eerie filmy black, but with specks of light in them. Showing that she is different to humans.

Showing that she is more than the humans whose fate she plays with so carelessly.

He takes in the fear in her eyes, her body seeming to shrink in on itself, shrinking away from him. As if he is a big bad monster.

A smirk crosses his face as he takes her in.

This. This small waif of a person is the one who has made his existence absolute hell?

This tiny GIRL, is the one who has been messing with his schedule.

This is the one who has made him bend to her will. Just about late to collect souls, changing people's fate on a whim.

His black booted feet cover the expanse between them in a few mere seconds.

His frame towers over her. Their eyes remain locked on each other, his narrowing as she gazes at him with an innoncent expression.

"We need to talk."

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