chapter 10

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His chest is heaving after the words pour from him. His frustration, a blow against her skin with every word.

Her feet are rooted to the ground. She wants nothing more than to be able to leave. To pretend this was nothing more than a bad dream.

If only she could have dreams.

But, she can't. Because she is Sigane More. She is the Sands of Time.

And she has behaved in a grevious manner against Hoseok.

Her eyes widen as she takes in his words. Had she ever thought about anyone besides herself? Sure, she thought of the humans when she changed their fates.

But she didn't think about how those changes, big or small, would affect Death, or Life.

How taking that baby barely formed would leave Life feeling devastated. How taking minutes, hours, days weeks or years from a life would change all of Deaths plans.

She was selfish. Self-centered. Self serving. She never thought of anyone beyond what they could do for her.

She wanted that life to live longer, so she took the life of someone else. She prolonged one person's existence, while cutting another's short.

And people were scared of Death.

They should be more terrified of time. Death was just the end product of Time. Death was the welcoming arms of a life hard lived.

Time... time was the weary traveller, the one that ravaged a soul. The one that aged a person.

Time wasn't good to anyone.

Some were taken before their time. And others begged Time to take them.

But neither won.

Not a single person got out of life alive, they all welcomed Death. Some while screaming in terror, others with open arms.

But Time, time was curse. Time wore a person down. Wore a soul down.

Time was the bad one.

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