chapter 17

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Death feels a presence standing behind him, feels eyes staring into their bodies, their minds, their souls.

His figure becomes stiff as he tries to get a read on them but fails. A shiver runs down his spine.

He knows it isn't a human, no human having the ability to see them until they will it into being.

Slowly he turns to look at the figure standing there. A child no older than nine looks at him. Eyes that should show nothing more than innocence, instead are heavy with the weight of the world in them.

Her long dark hair is plaited , falling down her back. Tilting her head to the side she raises a lollipop to her lips, sucking on it for a moment, before popping it back out.

"Everyone thinks Life and Death walk hand in hand. You never noticed Time walking with you. Her hand was held out waiting for you to grasp her fingers and pull her close."

Hoseok pulls in a small gasp of air at her lilting words. Her eyes holding him captive, even as his hands fall to his sides. Her voice compelling him to listen. To remember and to heed the spoken words.

She takes a slow purposeful step forward. Her image changing with that step. Gone is the child, in her place stands a woman. All curves and supple grace. Gone are the plaits, flowing locks reaching her lower back in their place. And air of authority surrounds her.

"You may be Death. She may be Time. But not even you can escape from your fates. You all have a fate, and it was never to walk alone."

Her voice lower in timber than the child's, but still melodic. Again, she steps forward. Changing and aging with the step. An older woman standing infront of him now. Age weathered features greeting him instead of youth, making her no less beautiful. No less graceful. Hair grey and piled in a loose bun upon her head. Her voice is weary with age, a brittleness to it that demands he listen hard to the words she forcefully pushes into the air.

"You got lost on your paths. Forgot that life, death and time are interwoven. They all need to work together for humanity to survive. The lessons from the past, bringing hope to the future."

With one last step forward, she merges into all three fates. Their voices combining into one, and at the same time they are all different and succent.

"Deaths of the innoncent inspiring the birth of change. Life isnt just a heartbeat. It is also an idea. A spark. Just as death isn't the end; but without time none of that can happen."

Reaching forward her hand comes to rest against his forehead.

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