chapter 14

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Time watches it all happen before her eyes. Again.

Knowing there is nothing. Not a single thing she can do to save them.

She watches in Hoseoks arms as they wait for the lava to come rolling down to claim them.

Waiting because they knew, that even if they ran as hard and as fast as they could... they would still be unable to out run their deaths.

"Do you know why it happened like this? Why so many people had to lose their lives? Why so many humans, animals, everything, had to meet their ends all at once?"

She can't stop the cry that escapes her lips, as the watches the terror crossing their faces. Some people never knowing their end was coming from the sky. Falling upon their bodies and wiping them out in moments.

A gut wrenching, soul breaking cry that seems to scream from every pore of her body. Time's body starts to shake, as sobs begin to wreck her body.

Hoseok tightens his grip in her as her legs give out. Lowering her to the ground, where she sits in a mess. Her hands covering her face. Trying to hide the pain she has kept inside for so long

"I-it-it's be-be-bbb... Because of me!" Her cry is a wail of despair that fills the air surrounding them.

Even those who didn't perish in the explosion suffered. The sulphuric air, ash destroying crops. Waterways were contaminated, and animals passed silently in pain without water or food.

And humans, they became savage at times. Some of them putting themselves above others. Believing themself to be the most important. And others, others found their humanity. Caring for those that had nothing. Taking in children without parents. Putting love out into the world.

Believing there couldn't just be hate in the world. Knowing there had to be love to counterbalance it all.

Families bore hardships, weather patterns changed. What was meant to be a beautiful summer, became a time filled with rain, and snow.

The whole world changed. Temperatures dropped across the entire counties. No corner of the world was left unaffected. Even if they had no idea why.

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