chapter 6

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Death stomped his feet in frustration. Every single time, he was one step behind. One second too late.

It was annoying. It was frustrating. It was torture.

It was hell.

He just needed to remember her damned name. A few syllables. It's not that hard!

And yet.... he couldn't pull the words from his mind. He couldn't for the life of him, form her name.

Not in any language. Not even in thoughts.

Running his fingers through his ebony locks, his brown eyes flicker to the book infront of him again. Another day, another death.

He collects himself, drawing a deep breath, before releasing it and his frustrations. Then he steps forward. Into death, waiting for them with open arms.

Death was constantly pulled in different directions, because life waited for no man. It was constantly starting, constantly happening and forever ending.

And Death had the responsibility of being there to greet them on the other side.

As day came to an end, he stood waiting for an elderly lady to cross over. She was lying in a bed, surrounded by loved ones. Cancer had ravaged her body, and everyone knew her time was near.

They had all been praying for a miracle in the eleventh hour. But those rarely happened.

Rarely did the Angel's step in, and change the fate Time had doled out. Instead they sat in their high heavens, watching humanity flounder.

Death didn't care for the Angel's. Snooty beings they were.

Slowly she dragged in her final raspy breaths, the air rattling in her lungs. Her eyes fluttered for a moment, before her chest lay still.

Wails filled the air, as those gathered realised her last breaths had gone. Death touched the ladies hand, and her soul rose.

She stood next to Death, watching them.

"The sands of time have been good to me." She whispered into the evening.

Death turned to look at her. A serene smile crossed her face. Love pouring from her soul. Coating those who cried with her love. One last final embrace she could give them.

He escorted her to her final place of rest. But his mind was no longer fully focused on the task. Autopilot taking over, as the words she spoke tumbled through his mind.

Sands of Time.

That's what she was. She was the Sands of Time. In literal form.

His mind pulls the words out in every language he can think of.

Des sables de temps

Tuhinga o Mua

Sabbie del tempo

Sands ng oras

Nisipuri ale timpului

He looks up every time he says the words. Waiting for her to appear. Waiting for the veil to be lifted. Over and over he mutters.

Sigane More.

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