chapter 20

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6 months later.

Time stood at what felt like the end of the world. The wind blowing the skirt of her dress forward into the open air surrounding her.

Her eyes are locked on the ground, watching as the sea pummels and pounds at the shore, forcing the rocks and shells to bend and mold to its will. Like fate, they give way to the passage of time, changing constantly, and somehow staying the same.

Fingers intertwine with hers moments before an arm wraps around her waist, pulling her closer to Deaths side.

"What are you doing Sigane More?" He breathes the words against her neck.

"Trying to accept what I can't change Hoseok."

Death's arms tighten around Time's waist momentarily. Offering comfort and love, as he buries his face into the crook of her neck.

Her murmurs sweet words against her skin.

"Even if the world crumbles and falls, I will always be by your side until your last breath." He presses a chaste kiss to her skin, sealing the promise.

A small smile passes across her lips, as she sucks in a breath of air.

A sense of serenity passes over the two, the acceptance that nothing will ever go exactly to plan, that they don't; and can't; control everything taking a weight from their souls.

They stand wrapped in each others embrace, watching the sea meet the shore until a rustling pulls their attention behind them.

Breaths catch in their throats as they look at the figure standing behind them. Light embracing them with every step forward they make.

"A Vida."

A smile crosses Time and Deaths faces as Life reaches his hands out, palm up waiting for Time and Death to join them all together once more.

Their eyes lock for a moment, before Deaths hand reaches out to intertwine with Lifes. Smiles growing on both their faces, and something deep within them clicks back into place.

They both look at Time, tears swimming in her eyes as she looks at the one she thought they had lost forever.

Life crosses the distance between them. Breaching the space to pull Time within the safe embrace of his arms. His fingers curling tightly in her.

Filling the last hole within them all. A peace settling over all their features as they pull Death closer. His arms wrapping around them all.

Finally they were together. Complete. 

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