chapter 18

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The scene starts to unfold in front of Time's eyes once more. The lush grasses of the field swaying gently in the breeze. A lady coddling her young child whimpering in her arms.

Everything is the same, repeating over and over... until something changes.

A figure in the distance stepping closer, Time's eyes lock onto the anomaly. The figure blurring for a moment before pulling back into focus.

The debris falling from the sky didn't harm her, nor did the lava that eventually flowed around her steps.

Her pace remained steady through the destruction that surrounded her.

Closer and closer she walked towards Time. Every step reverberating through the kneeling figure.

"Moirai, why? Why wouldn't you let me save them?"

Time watches as Fate comes closer, mouth opening, her words brushing against Time's ears, crossing the expanse between them as if it was nothing. The Crones voice both strong and brittle.

"Child, they needed to learn, to grow. As much as they try to harness the powers of the earth, as much as they try to control everything... they don't. Humans will grow from every adversity they face; but; it's up to them if they grow in a way that will benefit them, or cause them to fall, becoming dust. As much as you are a part of them, they too, are a part of you; and that my child, is why it hurts."

Her weathered face holds a compassion, an empathy that echoes within Time.

"Humanity need to suffer at times, as much as it pains you to see. The suffering forces them to grow and adapt."

Time watches as Fates appearance changes, flowing from a Crone to a Maiden. The innocence of her age belying the age in her eyes.

"It forces their humanity to the forefront, and they discover a new way of life. They may resist it at first, but they will adapt; before they even fully understand it themselves; they have adapted and changed. They have learnt and developed. They have pulled together and united or, they have have divided and fallen."

The figure changes once more, growing and filling out, stomach rounding slightly. Body becoming softer, more supple as the Mother comes forward.

"That is the grace of humanity. Stop seeing only the bad parts of change, see past it to the beauty of their future. Every time destruction has come to tear them apart, they have overcome the challenges. But without you Time. Without Life and Death; nothing would happen. You are all woven within the threads of their existences."

A tear slowly rolls down Time's cheek as she looks up to the face. They blur the Mothers face for a moment before Time blinks them away, one more looking at the Crone.

"Walk with them again. Walk with them and hold their hands. They will support you. They will love you. They will be your strength when you are weak, and you will be their rock when they stumble."

Fate rests her hand against Time's cheek, wiping the stray tears away. A flurry of images rushing through Times mind. Of a time she wasn't alone. A time she walked with others, when her hand was held safely within their grasp.

A time they lived in harmony and grace, which they had all forgotten about.
Faith and Fate watching over them all like proud parents.

Faith in their humanity. Faith they would remember, even in the darkest of times; that they mattered. They were needed.

Faith they would accept what they couldn't change, and faith they would know what needed to be changed.

Faith that even if they were lost, they would find each other again, because with one another is where their fate was. Where they belonged.

Together in harmony. Knowing that nothing will ever run smoothly, but it is something they must all accept. That they don't control the fate of the universe. Just small aspects of it.

"Your heart is too pure for you to walk alone. Nothing has been your fault. You need to let go of the things you can't change. Only keep your eyes on what you can change."

"Those moments are the most important. Those changes, those choices. Are what will shape the world."

"Don't walk alone child. Don't push them away. The pain you feel inside you, a lesson you shouldn't have had to pay."

Time's fingers dig into the dirt beneath her as she pulls in a shuddering breath.

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