chapter 5

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Time wondered what it was like to have creature comforts like humans do.

The way they would hide in blankets with hot chocolates while watching movies on rainy nights.

Hot meals cooked with love during winter. A log fire burning in front of them, warming the air surrounding them as they read a book.

The feeling engulfing them as they stare down at their children, or hold them close to their bodies. Smelling their fragrances.

Time had never had the chance to experience that. And while she could stand there with them while they experienced it all. It felt more like a movie to Time.

Something she was and forever would be separate from. Something she could never experience.

Time stood to the side as she watched a grandparent hugging their new grandchild. Holding them close to their body, cooing over every feature. Remembering when their child was that young.

Time was tempted to look back as well. But Time knew she couldn't. She knew that could destroy everything in the future.

So she kept her eyes forward. Watching the child. Seeing the possibilities for their future. The numbers above their head, speaking of a future that could be long.

If things played out right.

Turning her back to the possibilities of that future, Time steps forward.

Coming out into a field. Car lights shining in a circle, music blaring. Teenage bodies swarm against each other, drinks raised in the air.

Laughter, love..... life.

They have life. They are living their lives. Living in this single moment. Not thinking of any consequences that may come tomorrow.

Time wished she could be that carefree. She wished she could live in the moment. Not think about consequences. Not worry about the next decision.

But that isn't the life Time leads. That isn't an option for her.

Gathering herself, Time looks at one group in particular. One girl, one guy. She sees all the plans that fate may have for them. Some stretching out for decades, others for mere hours.

How the next few minutes play out will seal their fates.

Time climbs on the back of an old pickup, and watches as the blonde boy; because that's what he is, a boy. One innoncent in what the world has to offer; raises the bottle of whiskey to his lips. Pulling a long gulp of the liquid.

He tries to look cool, but Time can tell he feels the burn. Feels the alcohol burning down his throat before settling in his stomach. Watches as it seeps into his veins. Changes who he is.

Changes everything.

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