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I woke up the next morning and reached over on Scott's side to find him not there. I got up and slid on my boxers and a baggy shirt. I walked out of the room and looked for Scott.


"In here." I went into the kitchen to see Scott at the fridge. He shut the door and smiled at me.

"Hey." I said leaning on the wall.

"Hi. How'd you sleep love?"

"Fine. What're you doin?"

"I'm making breakfast like I do every morning. Want to finish so I can go get coffee?"

"Sure." I walked over to him and he slid his hands on my waist. He pulled me into a kiss. I heard tiny footsteps behind us and pulled away to see Dani rubbing his eyes in the doorway, "Hi sweetie."

"Hi Daddy." I walked to him and lifted him in my arms.

"How are you?"

"My tummy hurt. And my head." I felt his head. It was warm so I handed him off to Scott and looked for the thermometer.

"Let daddy take your temperature. Okay?" I said to him. He nodded and opened his mouth. I stuck the thermometer under his tongue.

When it beeped, I pulled it out to see what it said, "102. Scott, we have to take him in to the doctor."

"Absolutely. Take him and I'll shut this off. Get pants on too." I ran into the bedroom and found some jeans. I slipped them on quickly and put on my shoes.

"I'm taking him to the car." I said as I grabbed my phone and keys off the nightstand.

"I'm getting jeans on and following." He said sliding past me into the bedroom. I ran out the door with Dani in my arms still. He coughed and coughed.

"Daddy. I need to throw up." He said as we got outside. I set him down and he leaned over to throw up on the sidewalk. I rubbed his back as Scott walked outside.

"Poor kid." He said taking the keys from me.

"Here." Scott handed me a bag for Dani to throw up in and I lifted him into my arms, then fasted him into his car seat.
"Mr. and, Mr. Grassi-Hoying?" A doctor said, walking into the room.

"Yes?" Scott asked as the doctor looked at Dani. He took his temperature and looked at it when it beeped.


"It's going up." I whispered to myself, apparently loud enough for Scott to hear because he slid his arm behind me and sat it on my hip.

"Flu." The doctor stated, "Does he go to school?"

"No." Scott spoke up when I kept quiet. I was paranoid I'm sure but I was just too worried about my son to care about what his questions were.

"He must've picked it up somewhere." The doctor turned away from Dani and wrote on some papers quick before returning back, "Has he thrown up?"

I spoke, "When we were leaving he threw up once. He continued to throw up sporadically throughout the car ride."

"Does your head hurt?" He asks Dani.

"Yes." Dani seemed to sort of cower away from the man as he rubbed certain spots on his head.

"Give him Tylenol and lots of rest. I'll prescribe something else too and he'll get better in no time."

"Thank you."

After the doctors we went to the store to get some things for Daniel.

"Tylenol, Scott." Mitch reminded me. I grabbed some and threw it around Dani's head and into the cart.

"Daddy. Can you hold me?" Mitch walked over to the cart and grabbed Daniel out of it. Dani laid his head on Mitch's shoulder and closed his eyes. He's tired.

"Maybe soup too, Scotty. He probably can't eat anything too solid. And ginger ale to help his tummy." I chuckled at Mitch's use of kid words and went to the food section.

As we were walking to get popsicles, for Dani's sore throat, I noticed how Mitch laid his head on Dani's back. How he cradled him closer to his chest when he coughed hoarsely. How amazing of a father he is. Dani is his whole world, even before me, because he created him. He's his own, a part of him. I wish I had that. Maybe someday. I wanna have more kids with Mitch. So much.

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