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"Her name is Michelle." Mitch and I were talking about surrogates. We found a young woman who was very nice.

"She looks good. Profile has a lot of good things. I'm just worried."

"Why are you worried? We've done this before."

"But this time, I'm just scared that she won't like us. That's all." I looked at her profile and it didn't say specifically that she wanted a same-sex couple. Our last one did.

"It'll be fine honey. Don't worry." I kissed his cheek and he smiled at me. I set the laptop down and grabbed Mitch to set him on my lap. He set his head on my shoulder and I placed my hands on his hips.

"Daddy." I looked in the hallway to see Dani standing there. He still doesn't feel good.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Mitch asked Daniel as he got off my lap and walked over to his son. He lifted him in his arms and felt his forehead.

"My tummy. And my head hurts so I can't sleep." Mitch walked into the bathroom and I got up to follow.
He set Dani on the toilet seat and rummaged through the cabinet. He grabbed the Tylenol and poured some out for Dani. He drank it and made a disgusted face when he handed it back to Mitch.

"Let's go to bed honey." I followed them to our room and watched Mitch get under the covers with Dani. He covered him up and laid down with him. Dani cuddled with Mitch and had his head laying on his chest. I got in bed next to them and rubbed Dani's back.
"I just want him to get better." Mitch stated as we ate breakfast. Dani was still asleep.

"I know babe. But worrying won't change anything. Just lots of rest and medicine."

"I'm just worried about him." He poked at his pancakes and took a drink of his coffee.

"I know honey." I gave his back a comforting rub and we finished eating.

Scott and I were cuddling on the couch when his phone went off.


"Who is it?" I whispered to him.

"Oh hi Michelle. How are you?" Guess that answered my question, "This is Scott yes. Here, I'm putting you on speaker so you can talk to both of us."

"Hi. I'm Michelle."

"Hi Michelle." I said into the phone. I looked up at Scott.

"So you two already have a son?"

"We do. He's 5."

"Cute. You had a surrogate for him too?"

"Yes. There's no other way. We don't want to adopt."

"Why don't you guys have kids of your own? Like together." I sighed and hung my head. She doesn't know.

"Uh, we can't."


"Did you read my text at all? I said that my husband and I are interested."

"Wait. You're two guys?" I was starting to panic. She was gonna say something I didn't want to hear.

"We, uh, we are. Yes."

"Oh I'm sorry. I can't be your surrogate." Scott sighed loudly and looked up at me. I shrugged and mouthed 'Told you' to him. He rolled his eyes.

"Why not? What's the difference if we were a straight couple?"

"I will not help the gays have children. I refuse to help you. No changing that. Bye." She hung up and I got off the couch to go check on Dani.


"I told you Scott. She wouldn't like us." I opened Dani's door and walked over to his bed. I sat down next to him and felt his head. It was hot. "Scott. Will you get me the thermometer?"

"Yeah." He came into the room and handed it to me. I opened Dani's mouth and slid it under his tongue. I gasped when I read what it said. "What is it?"

"107." A tear slid down my cheek. Scott bent down and grabbed Dani in his arms. I followed him to the car and we drove to the hospital.
"Scott! Drive faster dammit!" Dani kept coughing and I was starting to really get scared.

We made it to the hospital and a nurse took Dani. We followed her into a room. She checked his temperature and his throat and ears.

"He has an ear infection. He complains of having a sore throat?"

"Yes." Scott said, looking at the nurse. His eyes full of worry.

"You were told he had the flu?"

"Yeah. Not too long ago."

"I think we'll keep him over night. To make sure he's okay." She informed us and walked out.

After the doctor came in, we dressed Daniel in a gown and slid him under the covers.
Scott and I must've fallen asleep cus I woke up in the middle of night to see Scott sleeping next to me. I sat up and stretched. These chairs are not comfortable.

I looked at Dani as he slept. I got up to put his covers back on him. He was sweaty but I could see he was cold.

"Daddy?" He opened his eyes and I looked down at him.

"Yeah honey?"

"I love you." A tear slid down my cheek.

I wiped it away, "I love you too baby boy. So much. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me." I let out a sob and held my head in my hands.

"What's wrong Mi-Hi Dani." He got up and stood by Dani's bed, next to me.

"He just woke up." I said to Scott, looking over at him.

Dani's eyes slowly closed and he drifted back to sleep. I watched as his chest slowly rose and fell.

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