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We have an ultrasound today. I am so excited. We get to find out the gender which is awesome. Afterwards, we plan to go shopping for new baby things, in hope it's a girl.

"Dani? Are you ready?"

He came out of his room all dressed and ready to go, "I am dad." He straightened out his sweater and grabbed my hand as we walked to the door.

"Mitch? Are you ready?" I heard a bang and let go of Dani to run to our room. I opened the door quickly to see Mitch kneeling on the ground, "Mitchy? W-What happened?" He looked up at me as I slowly walked towards him.

"I tripped on my shoe laces. It's fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I just hurt all ov-" He got up and ran to the bathroom. I soon heard moans and nasty sounds as he threw up.

I walked to the bathroom slowly as I listened to my husband throw up everything that was in his stomach, which wasn't much, "Mitch? Are you alright babe?" I looked into the bathroom to see Mitch hunched over the toilet. He wiped his mouth and looked up at me.

"I'm fine." He said before standing up and walking out of the apartment.
"I think we should move." Mitch said as I drove.


"We're running out of room. Our room is taken. My old room, aka Dani's room, is taken. All we have is the office. And we don't wanna give that up so we have no options." I sighed and thought about the situation.

"You're right. I didn't realize. We should probably move. We're here." I said as we pulled up to the hospital.

We walked into the room to see our surrogate already laying down, "Hi Raegan." I said to her and waved.

"Hi guys." She said in an excited tone as she waved back. Mitch stood on her left as I stood on her right. Dani stood next to Mitch. We held one of her hands as the doctor put the icky substance on her belly. Her belly was big, not huge, but big.

"So this is the baby," The doctor pointed to the screen. Mitch had tears in his eyes and Dani grabbed his hand for comfort, "It's a, girl! Congratulations boys." Mitch wiped the tears from his eyes and looked over at me. I smiled big at him as he chuckled.

I sat in the car staring at the ultrasound photo. It was beautiful. She was beautiful. I felt so happy, "We better change the photo when we get home." Scott said before looking back at the road.

"We will." I said with a smile.

We got to the mall and went to find baby things. First was bed, "Do you wanna use Dani's?" Scott asked me.

"Dani's bed? The frame yes, but she needs a new bed. Oh, and if so, I wanna paint it."

"What color?"

"Uh, pink. Duh. I'm gonna deck her room out in everything pink and purple."

"Why?" He asked, looking at me like I'm crazy.

"We had Dani's room all in boyish things. I wanna make her room girly. I enjoy girly things."

"Besides girls." He winked at me and I playfully slapped him.

"Of course. I have you." He leaned over the cart and kissed me. When I pulled away, I noticed a woman giving us a dirty look. I looked away, not wanting her negativity affecting my happiness.

"We have to get this." Scott said to me as he held up a cute pink sweater.

"In the cart. Now." I said with a serious tone. He chuckled at me as we proceeded on.

Run To You (Book 3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें