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I'm so worried about Mitch. It's been 3 months since he's been sick. We're pregnant too which scares me even more. If there's something seriously wrong with him, he may die. And that wouldn't be good for many, many reasons.

"Mitchie." I knocked on the bathroom door and it didn't open, "Mitch?" I waited a little bit until it slowly opened. Mitch stood there, wiped his face, and looked up at me.

"What?" He looked awful. He had huge bags under his eyes, really chapped lips, he was incredibly pale and so skinny. He had a hard time eating because he would just throw it up. Sometimes I'd let him slide without eating if he asked. He cries a lot too. He's in so much pain.

"Dinner is ready." I sighed when he shook his head and started crying, "I know honey." I held him tight as he continued to cry.
That night we laid in bed. I held Mitch so tight. I was afraid to let go.

"Scotty. I wanna go to a doctor."

"Okay honey. Why all of a sudden now?"

"I'm so tired of feeling like this and not knowing what's wrong. It's obviously serious if I've been this sick, and only getting worse, for almost 4 months."

"I get it. I'll take you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you. For everything."

"You're welcome honey, but you don't have to thank me. Through sickness and in health, remember?"

"I know but still. I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed the top of his head and he soon fell to sleep.

Scott was taking me to the doctor today. I'm very worried. I know it's definitely something very serious.

"So, Mr. Grassi-Hoying, what's going on?" The doctor asked.

"Well, for almost 4 months, I've been throwing up. A lot." He looked over at Scott who had the most worried expression on his face.

"When did it start?"

"I was at my brother-in-law's house. My sister had just passed away. I thought it was because I was sort of in a way making myself sick. But it's been going on for this long and it's terrible."

"I see. I wanna run some tests. Don't worry. We'll get it figured out." He walked out and left Scott and I in silence.

"It's them figuring it out that's my issue." I sighed and put my head in my hands.

"Mitch. It's gonna be okay." Scott rubbed my back and kissed my cheek.
I had taken a bunch of tests. I'm so scared for them to tell me what's wrong. I laid in a hospital bed, very drowsy. I felt like-

"Mitch." Scott said as I got up and ran to the bathroom. I hunched over the toilet and threw up. I opened my eyes when I stopped crying. Blood.

"Scott!" I screamed. He came running into the bathroom and I pointed to the toilet. He came over and looked. He signed and rubbed his temples. He sat down next to me and brought me in for a hug. I sat there crying before I heard the door open.

"Mitch?" It was a doctor.

"Bathroom." Scott told him. He came in and had a concerned look on his face.

"Something happen?" He asked.

"I threw up." I stated. Scott motioned for him to look. The doctor came over and took one glance at it. He put his head down and sighed. I knew something was clearly wrong.

"We ran some tests but we wanna make sure. Shouldn't be too much longer." He said before walking out. Scott stood up and extended his hands toward me. I grabbed them and he gently pulled me up.

I got back into the bed and soon fell asleep.
"Mitch." I heard Scott, he was shaking me, "Mitch!" He kept shaking me.

"I'm up! What?" He stared at me as I sat up.

"You've been out for hours. I was worried. The doctor came in asking if you'd like the news but I told him to wait until you woke up."

"What time is it?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"It's 3. In the morning. You went out around 4." I sighed. I noticed I was doing that a lot lately.

"Alright. Well I want the news now." He stood up and pressed my nurse button.

Minutes later, a small young looking woman came in, "What do you need?" She asked.

"Mitch wants his test results back now." She nodded and left.

Not long after the nurse left, Mitch's doctor walked in. He had a sad expression on his face which only made me worry more.

"Mitch. I really don't wanna tell you this news. But it'll possibly save your life if I do." My heart was beating so fast. What was he about to say?

"What's wrong with me?" Mitch asked.

The doctor shook his head and looked down at the floor as he rubbed his temples, "Mitch. I'm so sorry to tell you this but," He sighed, "You have, cancer."

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