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"Okay. Let's get started." We were at the therapist and I was nervous as hell. I didn't wanna talk about this but I wanted to save our marriage before we actually needed to. I knew this would probably affect our marriage, but it hasn't yet. I'm worried it will though. I can't lose Scott.

"Scott, you had your dream first right?"

"I did."

"What happened in your dream? With Mitch."

"He was in a mental hospital after he attempted suicide. When he came back home, we laid in bed one night and he just said please. I knew what he meant so I told him no. He continued on until it got to the point where he told me he wanted to die. That he needed to.

He woke Dani and said goodbye. Then walked into our bedroom and hung himself. I woke up before he actually died but it's still traumatizing."

"I see. Mitch, your turn."

I sighed and opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. A tear slid down my cheek. Scott wiped it away and gave me a weak smile before I spoke.

"I didn't really have much warning. I woke up one day and Scott was in bed. He never sleeps later than me. I went into our bedroom and tried to get him out of bed but he told me to leave him alone. I kept trying but I failed miserably. I was awoken by Dani coming into our room yelling at me about Scott that night. I walked to where he pointed, the bathroom, and looked inside to find Scott laying on the floor with a pill bottle next to him.

The ambulance came and took him to the hospital where he died. Then when I was back home, I found a letter from him that he wrote about why he killed himself. He made me promise to find love again and take care of Dani. Then I woke up." I put my head in my hands and Scott pulled me into his arms. I let out a sob and wiped my eyes.

"It was very scary for you." I looked at the therapist like she was stupid.

"Yes. It only happened yesterday. It was the worst thing I've ever experienced."

"I understand. Well, where to go from here, I'm not sure. I think maybe there's something you both are afraid of. Like, losing one another. Mitch has actually attempted suicide, hasn't he?"

"Years ago before we were even together. He cut his wrists really bad. The first wasn't on purpose. Then in the hospital he tried."

"You were very depressed Mitch?"

"I was. Yes. I was very insecure with how I looked. I was treated terribly by the men I was with before Scott. I was engaged. To a man that I loved very much. I loved him so much that I didn't care what anyone thought about me. How I looked I mean. So I let myself go. I gained weight and he didn't want me anymore," I took a deep breath and wiped away the tears on my cheeks, "He broke it off and I was left to get over him by myself. I was like shit. I hated myself, more than anything. Even him. I didn't blame him once I realized he didn't love me. I saw what he saw. A nasty, fat human being that's not worth anyone's time." I looked up from my hands to see the therapist in complete shock. I couldn't look at Scott. I was afraid of the look that could be on his face.

"What helped you get better?"

"Scott. He helped me learn to love myself, by loving me." I looked up at Scott and the look on his face seemed almost sympathetic.

"What's the best part of your relationship? When were you both the happiest?"

"When we had Dani. It was the best day of my life." I stated. A tear slid down Scott's face. I wiped it away and gave him a smile before he spoke.

"We never thought we would have kids. But Dani was the best thing that happened to us."

"Do you want to have more kids?"

"Of course. Dani is growing up and learning to live on his own. He may be young, but he's smart. I think it'll help our relationship a lot if we have something, someone, new in our life that we share." I said, looking at Scott.

"I agree." We both looked at the therapist. She had a big smile on her face. As if she'd accomplished something. Because she did. We were gonna have another kid.

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