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Tour was coming to an end. We just had our second to last show last night and today was our last. But we have a meet & greet first that I'm excited for.

"Mitchie. Ready to go?" I walked out of the bathroom to see Mitch sitting on our bed. His shoulders were shaking and he let out a quiet sob before I quickly walked over to him, "What's wrong hun?" He looked up at me. His eyes were red and puffy. He had his phone in his hand and it was opened to Twitter, "What happened?" He handed me his phone and then put his head in his hands, continuing to cry.

I looked down at his screen, it was a tweet from some guy. I gasped when I read what it said, "I hope you kill yourself you little fag! You don't deserve to be 'famous' or be married or have kids! Die, fag, die!
p.s. Your voice is fucking annoying!"

A tear slid down my cheek, but the sadness was soon replaced with anger, "Mitchie. Don't listen to this bigoted asshole! He's just some idiot on Twitter who probably hates himself and knocks people down to make himself feel better." I looked over at Mitch. He hadn't stopped crying. I touched his shoulder, and he moved away, "Mitchie? It's okay babe." He didn't look up at me, but removed his hands from his face and looked down at them, "Mitch. Look at me. Please baby. What did I do wrong?"

He let out a quiet sob before looking up at me. His eyes were bloodshot and his face was red from crying so bad.


"I'm fine Scott. Don't worry." He grabbed his phone back from me and got up. He grabbed his shoes and jacket before leaving the hotel room.
I sat down at the long fold up table and held my black sharpie in my hand. Mitch was already sitting down, waiting for the fans to arrive, "Mitch? Honey, look at me." He slowly turned his head towards me.

"Yeah?" He looked so sad.

"Babe. Don't let that man get you down, please? Enjoy the rest of tour."

"I am. He's just a hater that doesn't matter to me." He turned away from me as fans started to line up.
After a bunch of fans went through, a guy stood out to me in line. He didn't seem like a fan and he didn't have anyone with him. I was worried.

After a few more people, the guy I noticed before stepped out of line and moved towards the front. A security guard noticed him and went after him but he punched him in the face.

He came up to our table, "You little faggot! You have no right to be in this band! You're a terrible singer and have absolutely no talent at all! You shouldn't even be here, in the band or in this world! Kill yourself fa-" He was punched in the face by the security guard he punched. I was in total disbelief. He had no right to do this.

Mitch immediately stood up and ran around a corner. I saw his face before he got up. It had pure shock and horror written all over it. He was so hurt.

After that happened, I got up and left. I ran to a bathroom I come across. I went into an empty stall and sat on the back of the toilet. I let out the tears that I had held in. I sobbed and sobbed until I heard the door open.

"Mitch?" It was Scott.

"Not in here." I wiped my eyes off and sniffled. His footsteps got closer.

"I know that's you Mitchie. I'm here hun. I always will be." A tear slid down my cheek, and Scott's feet stood right outside my stall, "Let me in sweetie."

"I can't. I'm not willing to talk."

"Why? I'm your husband. You can talk to me."

"I'm really not in the mood Scott. Please leave me alone right now." I heard him sigh and sniffle. I felt bad but I was just being honest, "I love you, and I appreciate you trying to help Scotty, but I can't right now. I'm sorry."

"I understand. Come out when you're ready. Show is at 7:30." I heard the door shut and I let out a scattered breath. I was worried Scott would be mad at me for not wanting to talk to him right now. I couldn't have that. He was the one person I always went to when I got hated on. Ever since Junior High.
I decided to leave the stall, 30 minutes later, after crying like three times. I needed Scott. I wanted him to hold me in his warmth while I cried. I wanted to hold my son and let him know I love him more than anything and that I do deserve him.

I got on the tour bus and everyone's eyes immediately fell on me. I felt awkward so I quickly walked to my bed and saw Scott laying in his.

"Scotty?" He had his eyes closed and earbuds in his ears. I shook his shoulder and he took the earbuds out, "Scott."

"Mitch. It's only been half an hour."

"Keeping track?" I smiled at him and he winked back at me, then smiled.

"Little bit. How are you?"

"Are you mad at me?" He looked at me confused.

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"Back in the bathroom. You seemed upset that I didn't want to talk to you then. I don't want you to be mad at me too Scotty." I tear slid down my cheek and my voice got caught in my throat as I went to apologize, "I-I'm sorry." I held my face in my hands and sobbed. Scott got down from his bed and wrapped his arms around me.

"Shhhhh. It's okay Mitchie. I'm here." I let out a sob and he rubbed my back and planted a kiss on my head, "I love you, so much. I understood you needed space and time to think hun. I was upset because you were hurting, are hurting." I wiped my eyes and stepped back to look at him. His eyes showed so much sympathy, it hurt.

"Scotty. I'm okay. Really. I was just hurt and offended that some asshole had the nerve to do that."

"He was the man from Twitter too." I sighed.

"Of course he was. Such a bigot. Oh well, haters gonna hate." I gave him a weak smile and he leaned in to kiss me.

"Dad, is daddy okay?" I pulled back to look down at Dani.

I bent down to his level, "Daddy is just fine. I was just hurt by what that man said. It's okay." I pulled him in for a hug and he wrapped his arms around my neck. I kissed his cheek and stood up, watching him run back to Kirstie.

"I wanna have another." I said, turning back to Scott.


"A kid. I wanna have another kid Scotty. As soon as possible."

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