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(A/N: CAN WE TALK ABOUT THEM GETTING A GOLDEN ALBUM & A FREAKING GRAMMY NOM?!?!?!? I'm so emotional and so proud, oh man.)

I didn't sleep well last night. I tried, really, but the image of my sister kept playing in my head. I couldn't stop thinking about her. About her dying. Dying. She's dead. My older sister is dead, and I don't know how to comprehend what had happened. I can't. I don't understand why some things happen in life. Haven't I dealt with enough? Why make my life a living hell? Where did I go wrong? What's wrong with me? There are people that have worse, I know. But for some reason, I can't stop thinking that my life sucks. That it won't get better. Ever. And that thought, makes me sick.

Literally. I got out of bed and ran down the hall to the bathroom. I released the contents of my stomach into the toilet. When I was done, I rinsed my mouth out and went into the living room.

I was staying at my sister's house. Jason, her husband, isn't doing good right now so I offered to help and he told me we could stay here till we left. I helped with Ady yesterday. She was a mess. But I wasn't surprised at all, she had lost her mom. Poor girl. She's only 7 and to lose her mom unexpectedly like that.

I went to the fridge and grabbed the jug of purified water, that I remembered my sister had, and poured myself a glass. I took a drink and walked back upstairs. I set the glass on the bedside table and climbed back into bed with Scott. I rolled over and nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. It was nice and warm. Where I loved to be. It was where I felt safe. In Scott's arms, nuzzled into him. As I fell asleep.
"Mitch." I heard Scott whisper. I opened my eyes to see him hovering over me.

"What?" I rubbed my eyes and sat up, looking at him.

"Jason made breakfast. It smells, and looks, yummy." He climbed off the bed, leaving the room and going downstairs. I smelled the food, but my stomach didn't think it would be of pleasure. I walked down to the bathroom, slowly, and leaned over the toilet. I threw up again and when I stood up to leave, I saw Daniel standing in the doorway.

"Hi Dani."

"Hi daddy. Are you okay?" He pouted his bottom lip and it started to quiver.

"Honey. I'm fine," I took a few steps, pulling him into my arms, "I'm just a little sick. Nothing to worry about dear. I promise."

"Okay daddy. If you say so. And daddy?"

"Yes sweetie?" He leaned back and kissed my cheek.

"I love you." He pulled out of my arms and skipped down the hallway, and made his way downstairs.

"Morning Mitch." Jason smiled at me as he set down his cup of orange juice.

"Morning J. How're you? I mean, breakfast smells good." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly and walked over to Scott.

"Hi honey." He kissed my cheek after swallowing his pancakes. I looked at the food and felt queasy.

"Hi." I said, quietly. I looked away from him and stared at a wall, blankly.

"Mitch. Are you alright?"

I looked back at him again, "I'm okay. I'm not feeling well." I felt my stomach screaming at me, 'Throw up! Throw up!' But I didn't want Scott to worry, "I'm gonna shower." I said before running up the stairs.

I was worried about Mitch. I asked Dani if he knew what was wrong with him and he said he caught him throwing up in the middle of the night and then again this morning when he woke up. I think he's making himself sick, honestly. Not on purpose, but he's sad and keeps thinking of Lindsay. I heard him mumble in his sleep last night about her. I hope he doesn't get nightmares.

"Mitchie." I said knocking on the bathroom door.

It slowly opened to reveal Mitch dressed, with a comb in his hand, "Yes?"

"Are you okay? You look sick honey. Dani told me you threw up twice."

"He caught me the first time?" I nodded.

"Yes, and he caught you this morning, as you know. I asked him what was wrong with you and that's all he said. You didn't eat breakfast. Finish up and come down." He nodded and closed the door.
About 15 minutes later, Mitch came down looking amazing as usual. He went into the kitchen after giving me a gentle smile. I got up and found him standing in front of the sink.

"Mitch." I whispered. He turned around. He had tears in his eyes, "Are you okay?"

He sighed, "I used to, help Lindsay. In this kitchen when I used to visit. It was always fun ya know. A brother-sister bond that I loved." Tears fell from his eyes as he gripped the counter behind him.

"Mitchie." I stepped towards him and he came closer to cuddle into my chest, "She'll always be with you. In your big heart Mitch." He sobbed loudly and I kissed the top of his head, "Shhhh." I kissed his forehead and leaned back, "I love you."

He smiled, "I love you too." I let go of him and his smile immediately fell. That's how I knew his fake smile was there since yesterday. He's so sad. And there's nothing I can do.

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