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----One Month Later----

Today, we started our tour. I was incredibly excited to get on that tour bus and see a bunch of fans. Daniel was also doing much better. He's healthy as can be.

"Mitch? Do you have Dani's toothbrush?"

"I do Scotty. It's in our bag." I walked out of the bathroom to see Mitch zipping up Dani's sweatshirt by the door. I slipped my shoes on and grabbed all our bags, "I'm gonna start the car okay?"

"Thank you." Mitch yelled to me as I walked out the door.
"Aren't you guys excited?" Kevin asked as we all sat lounging around.

"I know I am." Kirstie stated. She was upset though also. She couldn't bring Emerald with her and it didn't help that she missed Jeremy, and Olaf, but Jeremy would bring her to as many shows as possible.

We made it to our rehearsal and got started. Our first show was next week and I was waiting impatiently for time to just go faster. I loved performing for our amazing fans. They mean so much to us and for them to spend their money to come see us sing is awesome.

Today we had our first show. I was so excited, we all were.

"Hey Dani. You remember to stay by Esther, right?"

"Yes daddy. I've been doing this my whole life." I bent down and kissed my son on the forehead and Scott did the same before reminding him to behave.

"You ready?" Scott asked and planted a kiss on my lips, "For good luck." He said before walking on stage with a smirk.

After the show, we went back to the hotel and celebrated our first show.

"I'm so proud of us." Kevin stated.

"Me too." Avi agreed.

"I love our family." Kirstie said and brought us into a group hug.

After celebration, Scott and I picked Dani up from Esther's room and brought him back, in Scott's arms, and put him to bed.

"Look at him." I said to Scott as I watched Daniel sleep.

"He's amazing. Isn't he?"

"He sure is."

"When will we have another?"


"I know you said not to talk about it, and I get we're on tour right now. But I wanna father a child too."

"You are. Daniel is just as much your child as he is mine."

"I mean, I wanna be a bio dad."

"Don't get me started Scott. Daniel is only 5. We have plenty of time."

"I know," He sighed and looked down, away from me, "But I'm scared it won't ever happen."

"Why?" He sat down on our bed behind me.

"Because we're always busy. We have one kid already and I'm worried you'll begin to think that's enough." A tear slid down his cheek slowly. I sat next to him and wiped his tears away with my index finger.

"Honey, that won't happen. A brother needs a sister. I want Daniel to have that. You and I did and look how we turned out." He smiled wide at me and I kissed his cheek, "I know how important it is to you to be a bio dad, but Dani is your son just as much as he is mine. Genetics don't matter. What matters is that you're his father. You love him unconditionally and nothing will ever change that."

"You're right," He sniffled and wiped his tears away, "I'm his father too. I shouldn't treat him or act any different about him just because I'm not his bio dad. I love him just the same."

"Can I share my worries too?" I looked down at my hands when he nodded.


"I'm worried that we'll be so busy, that a new baby will only cause more problems. I wanna be a good father to my kids, ya know. Sure, Dani got the hang of it. But what if our new kid doesn't? What if she doesn't understand what we're doing? What if she grows up to hate us because we were too busy being famous and not being her dads?"

"Dani will help her. And so will we."

"What if that's not enough? Also, what if our daughter hates us because she gets bullied for having two dads? It happens to Dani."

"He will teach her that it's not her problem. That she has two amazing dads that love her more than anything, and those bigoted assholes don't mean a thing."

"Maybe you're right. I'm just worried."

"I know babe. I know." I leaned back on the bed and Scott joined me. I laid on his chest for a minute before slowly drifting off to sleep.
A/N: Okay, SuperFruit was amazing today (Loved having Toddy on it) and Pentatonix's new music video was FLAWLESS AF!
Also, the tickets for their On My Way Home Tour went on sale today if you used the code in the description box below their new video. And I would like to announce THAT IM SEEING THEM IN MARCH! I'm so excited to see them in Chicago. I live in Michigan so it's a trip, but so worth it. It's my (very) early birthday gift from my parents to visit Chicago and to, now, see Pentatonix 💕💕 I'm so super excited!
Comment if you're seeing them on their new tour too :)
-Stay Flawless loves 😘

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